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@ 2021-02-16 11:28:00

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US Suspends Plans to Ban TikTok and WeChat; Twitter Reports Record Q4 Revenue

In today’s ExchangeWire news digest: the Biden administration has halted legal action that sought to ban TikTok and WeChat from the US; Twitter reports record revenue for Q4 2020, but remains wary that user growth is beginning to slow; and Google responds to the Australian senate’s endorsement of the News Media Bargaining Code.
US government puts TikTok and WeChat bans on hold
US president Joe Biden has suspended legal action against short-form video platform TikTok and instant-messaging app WeChat. The action, instigated [...]

The post US Suspends Plans to Ban TikTok and WeChat; Twitter Reports Record Q4 Revenue appeared first on ExchangeWire.com.

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