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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-11-08 07:34:00

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Настроение: happy
Entry tags:programming, transitioning

Anything sells at itch.io but my voxel editor ;_; Guess I need to improve it further and release a pack of free voxel assets made with it, maybe with a free unity integrated voxel renderer, so people could actually use raw voxel models. But that is really too much work for me alone. I need a partner. If you're nice, have programming skills and wish to profit share, write to nangld85@gmail.com I will credit you and share with you a part of income, equivalent to your contribution. It would be really nice if you know shaders and Unity.

Anyway, today I had sex with a guy. First time in my life. I thought I'm trans-lesbian, like most of us, but that is not the case. I really enjoyed it. But he is really handsome and was so nice to me, I've fallen in love. I think I can enjoy any company, as long as it is nice. Also our sister hinted me there is shorter way to get legal access to hormones, evading the dreaded UMC Amsterdam. That is Transgender International or something like that. I need to research it, because losing access to hormones is my second main fear after Russia.
