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Пишет apkallatu ([info]apkallatu)
@ 2018-03-14 10:52:00

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стивен х. ушёл завтракать в вальгаллу

анекдот вот про него

In a fun aside, during this period, Hawking would enjoy running over
the toes of people he didn’t like with his wheelchair. So in 1976,
when Hawking was invited to attend Prince Charles’s induction into the
Royal Society, he gave him the business. “The prince was intrigued by
Hawking’s wheelchair, and Hawking, twirling it around to demonstrate
its capabilities, carelessly ran over Prince Charles’s toes,”
according to the biography Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind. “One
of Hawking’s regrets in life was not having an opportunity to run over
Margaret Thatcher’s toes.”

и вот ещё, неполиткорректное:

On a lighter note, Hawking is also said to be a big fan of strip
clubs. “He’s a man who lives within his brain and still manages to
feel the overwhelming power of sex,” his pal Peter Stringfellow, who
runs Stringfellows strip clubs, told The Independent. “Isn’t he the
answer to people who attack the sexual side of our human-ness? They’re
all charging at windmills, you know. It’s there.”

Hawking became a regular at Stringfellows strip club in London, and
the proprietor recalls a hilarious run-in with the professor one

“I went and introduced myself and said, ‘Mr. Hawking, it’s an honor to
meet you. If you could spare a minute or two, I’d love to chat with
you about the universe,’” Stringfellow recalled.

“Then I paused for a bit and joked, ‘Or would you rather look at the

“There was silence for a moment, and then he answered, ‘The Girls.’”

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2018-03-14 12:39 (ссылка)
а с какого завтрака он пришёл


2018-03-14 14:26 (ссылка)
Ричард Фейнман тоже любил посещать стрип клубы, и у него тоже случались разные интересные и забавные истории.
