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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2020-12-08 00:39:00

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The Romantic epoch started in the 19th century. This led Lithuanians to look back to their past for both intellectual and spiritual inspiration. The national revival started and Lithuanian intelligentsia idealised ancient paganism and folklore. Some historians wanted to prove the beauty of ancient polytheism and even started creating new aspects of Lithuanian mythology. One of the most famous of these was Theodor Narbutt who edited Ancient Greek myths and created new Lithuanian ones.
In the beginning of the 20th century, ancient pagan traditions were still continued in folklore and customs. People were celebrating ancient pagan festivals mixed with Christian traditions. Such festivals include Vėlinės (day of dead souls, common with Celtic Halloween), Užgavėnės (festival when winter ends and spring begins), and Rasa or Joninės. For Užgavėnės, people in Samogitia may dress in costumes including masks and burn an idol of an old lady, called Morė or Giltine, goddess of death.

Modern folk religion
The philosopher Vydūnas is taken as a sort of founding father of Romuva. He actively promoted awareness of and participation in pagan festivals. Vydūnas saw Christianity as foreign to Lithuanians, and instead he brought his attention to what he saw as the spiritual vision of the adherents of the traditional Baltic religion. He ascribed to this a sense of awe in their cosmology, as they saw the universe as a great mystery, and respect for every living being as well as the earth in their morality, as they saw the whole world and every individual as a symbol of life as a whole. The Divine was represented by fire, which was as such used ritually to worship the divine and itself held sacred. Vydūnas had given special treatment to this religion of the Lithuanians in his drama Amžina ugnis (An Eternal Flame). Among this and other works, Vydūnas exalted the faith as being on the highest level of spiritual expression, along with other forms which he recognized

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2020-12-08 01:38 (ссылка)
Teodor Narbutt (Lithuanian: Teodoras Narbutas; 8 November 1784 – 27 November 1864) was a Polish–Lithuanian romantic historian and military engineer in service of the Russian Empire. He is best remembered as the author of a nine-volume Polish-language history of Lithuania from the early Middle Ages to the Union of Lublin.
Although loyal to Imperial Russia, the anti-Russian January Uprising brought an end to his family. His wife, Krystyna Narbutt née Sadowska was sentenced to forced resettlement to Siberia and was not allowed to return until 1871. His older son, Ludwik Narbutt, became a notable commander of the Polish-Lithuanian forces in the area of Lida and was killed in 1863 in fight against the Russians. The younger son Bolesław was sentenced to death by the Russian authorities, but his sentence was later changed to life imprisonment because of his young age. Narbutt's only daughter Teodora had to flee the country and was sentenced to forced labour in absentia.

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2020-12-08 01:41 (ссылка)
Дальній родич, судячи по всьому --

На́рбут Володи́мир Іва́нович (2 (14) квітня 1888 — 14 квітня 1938) — український російськомовний поет і літературний діяч. Входив до «Цеху поетів». 1937 заарештований НКВД СССР і знищений у ГУЛАГу. Молодший брат українського художника-графіка Георгія Івановича Нарбута.
Народився на хуторі Нарбутівка Глухівського повіту Чернігівської губернії в сім'ї дрібного поміщика збіднілого литовського шляхетського роду.

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2020-12-08 01:43 (ссылка)

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2021-06-07 20:31 (ссылка)
На́рбуты (лит. Narbutas,польск. Narbutt) — дворянский род.
Нарбуты — богатый дворянский род герба Тромбы, литовского происхождения, восходящих к XV-XVII (и ранее) векам. Первоначально, как и во многих странах, это было имя (С. Абрамаускас указывает на древне-прусское происхождение этого слова, означающее «семьянин»). Согласно родовой легенде, Нарбуты были ответвлением магнатского рода Остиков, поэтому иногда писались Остиками-Нарбутами.
Род Нарбут разделился на несколько ветвей, внесенных в I и VI части родословных книг Виленской, Витебской, Гродненской, Ковенской и Могилевской губерний.
В польском написании Нарбуты пишутся с двумя т: Nагbutt, в современном литовском языке добавляются суффиксы «аs» (Narbutas) в фамилиях мужчин, «еnе» — замужних женщин и «ite» «аite» - незамужних.
Начальная зона расселения Нарбутов — это зона Лиды, Вильнюса, Каунаса, Шяуляя, Россиен, Гродно (особенно), то есть восточная часть Литвы — западная часть Белоруссии, причём в основном это были несколько родов одной фамилии, не имевших родственных связей.
Удалось собрать сведения и составить 19 дворянских родословных росписей фамилии Нарбут, причём по 17 родословным известны и гербы. Нарбуты пользовались гербами: Трубы, Лис, Задора, Роза, а также Незгода, Стремя.

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2020-12-08 02:52 (ссылка)
>Teodor Narbutt

Достойный продолжатель дела Эразма Стеллы и Симона Грунау.

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2020-12-08 01:42 (ссылка)
Wilhelm Storost, artistic name Vilius Storostas-Vydūnas (22 March 1868 – 20 February 1953), mostly known as Vydūnas, was a Prussian-Lithuanian teacher, poet, humanist, philosopher and Lithuanian writer, a leader of the Prussian Lithuanian national movement in Lithuania Minor, and one of leaders of the theosophical movement in East Prussia.


2020-12-08 11:50 (ссылка)
Although hardly anything remains of the original culture due to the expulsion of Germans after World War II, Lithuania Minor has made an important contribution to Lithuanian culture as a whole. The written standard form of Prussian-Lithuanian provided the "skeleton" of modern Lithuanian, evolved from people close to Stanislovas Rapalionis and graduating from Lithuanian language school established in Vilnius, who were expelled from Grand Duchy during counter-reformation years. Those include notable names like Abraomas Kulvietis and Martynas Mažvydas. During the years of the Lithuanian press ban, most of the Lithuanian books printed using the Latin alphabet were published in Lithuania Minor.
Lithuania Minor was the home of Kristijonas Donelaitis, a pastor, poet and the author of The Seasons, considered a milestone of Lithuanian literature (the first fictional novel written in Lithuanian), and Vydūnas, a prominent Lithuanian writer and philosopher.
The first book in Lithuanian, prepared by Martynas Mažvydas, was printed in Königsberg in 1547, while the first Lithuanian grammar, Daniel Klein's Grammatica Litvanica, was printed there in 1653.
Lithuania Minor was the home of Kristijonas Donelaitis, pastor and poet and author of The Seasons, which mark the beginning of Lithuanian literature. The Seasons give a vivid depiction of the everyday life of Prussian Lithuanian country.
Lithuania Minor was an important center for Lithuanian culture, which was persecuted in Russian Empire occupying Lithuania proper. That territory had been slowly Polonized when being part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and was heavily Russificied while part of the Russian Empire, especially in the second half of the 19th century.


2020-12-08 11:52 (ссылка)
Lithuania proper (Latin: Lithuania propria, literally: "Genuine Lithuania"; Lithuanian: Didžioji Lietuva; Yiddish: ליטע‎, Lite) refers to a region which existed within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and where the Lithuanian language was spoken. The primary meaning is identical to the Duchy of Lithuania, a land around which the Grand Duchy of Lithuania evolved. The territory can be traced by Catholic Christian parishes established in pagan Baltic lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania subsequent to the Christianization of Lithuania in 1387. The Lithuania Proper (Lithuania Propria) was always distinguished from the Ruthenian lands, the Lithuanians differed from the Ruthenians in their language and faith (Paganism in the beginning and Catholicism since 1387). The term in Latin was widely used during the Middle Ages and can be found in numerous historical maps until World War I.


2020-12-10 19:38 (ссылка)
The Romuva religion shares similarities with Hinduism. For example, in Lithuanian, the word darna means harmony and coherence, and for Lithuanian pagans, that is a religious tenet as well – the balance of the world. It also superficially resembles the word dharma, Hinduism’s cosmic order. The linguistic similarity between darna and dharma is likely a coincidence – scholars say the two do not necessarily share an etymology. But for Lithuania’s Romuva community, which traces its traditions back to ancient folklore, it is evidence of a connection to India, Hinduism and Sanskrit that has become a part of their Romuva identity, along with its pantheon of gods and fairly standard pagan rituals


2022-07-11 18:39 (ссылка)

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2022-07-11 18:54 (ссылка)

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2022-07-12 03:45 (ссылка)
