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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2020-03-04 02:33:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Entry tags:estland, geschichte, mukke, russland

Setomaa: The Estonia-Russia border tearing apart an ancient people

"It's much more than a frustration, it's a very strong feeling,"
says community leader Oie Sarv, who spent much of her childhood
in Russia. "It's like your roots have been cut through."

Setos have a unique culture with their own language and traditions.
Seto Leelo, a type of polyphonic singing specific to the region,
is listed as a form of Intangible Cultural Heritage by Unesco.

Setos also have their own king, Perkūnas Peko - a god of crops and fertility.
Peko is said to sleep beneath the monastery, over the border in Petseri.

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2020-03-04 11:17 (ссылка)
хотят петь - пусть поют и не ебут никому мозг

хотят в сраную - так пусть пиздуют в сраную. программа переселения бывших соотечественников как раз для таких идиотов создана.

а то развелось ебаных тупорылых людишек овер дохуя
