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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2011-02-11 21:48:00

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Социальная мысль начала 19 века
Every state is supported by the poverty of community composing body politic. Without a large proportion of poverty there could be no riches, since riches are the offspring of labour, while labour can exists only in state of poverty. Poverty is that state and condition of society where the individual has no surplus labour in store; or , in other words, no property or means of subsistence but what is derived from the constant exercise of industry in the various occupations of life.

Poverty therefore is a most necessary and indispensable ingredient in society, without which nations and communities could not exist in a state of civilisation. It is the lot of man. It is the source of wealth, since without poverty there would be no labour, and without labour there could be no riches, no refinement or comfort, and no benefit to those who may be possessed of wealth, inasmuch as without a large proportion of poverty surplus labour could never be productive in producing either the conveniences or luxuries of life

© Patrick Coldown "Threatise on Indigence", 1806


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2011-02-11 23:14 (ссылка)
"В мире есть царь, этот царь беспощаден. Голод названье ему."
