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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2005-08-28 20:45:00

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Забавные пояснения про имена героев в Dr.Strangelove, я не все знал :)

Character Name Sexual Connotation or Reference Actor
Jack D. Ripper a notorious English psychopathic killer of
prostitutes, or a killer in general
Sterling Hayden
Mandrake a medicinal plant root or herb, said to encourage
fertility, conception or potency - an aphrodisiac
Peter Sellers
Buck Turgidson a "buck" is a male animal or stud;
"turgid" means distended or swollen; and his delayed love-making
to a real-life Playboy centerfold Tracy Reed - the only
woman in the entire film
George C. Scott
Merkin Muffley merkin = slang for female pubic area or pudendum;
muff = a woman's pubic area or genitalia, or specifically, the pubic hair/fur/wig
for the female crotch
Peter Sellers
Col. 'Bat' Guano bat excrement Keenan Wynn
Soviet premier Dmitri Kissof "kiss-off", literally means 'start of disaster',
or to dump or scorn
Voice only
Ambassador Desadeski named after the Marquis de Sade - an infamous
and perverted sexual lover and sadist in the 18th century (sade-ism)
Peter Bull
Maj. T.J. "King" Kong signifying a male beast with a primitive,
destructive, obsessive lust
Slim Pickens
Dr. Strange-love perverted love Peter Sellers
The bombs Inscribed with "Dear John" and
"Hi There"

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2005-08-28 23:35 (ссылка)
Да, никогда не обращал внимания )
