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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2011-12-20 09:13:00

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Корея такая корея:
---- Energy Conservation Rules -----

1. Prohibition on the use of personal heater using electricity during work hours
(9 a.m. ~6 p.m.)
2. Keep optimum indoor temperature (lower than 18℃when heating)
3, Suspend central heating two times every day
4. Promotion of campaign to encourage the wearing of warm long underwear
5. Rational operation of elevators (Use of elevators banned at 4th and lower floors, making
stops on every other floor, elevator operation restrictions by times
6. Enforcement of driving restrictions
7. Reduce energy use by 10 percent a year (It is necessary required to reduce energy
use by 10 percent during the winter peak season)

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2011-12-20 14:52 (ссылка)
в италии тоже есть похожее
