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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2009-10-27 14:47:00

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Entry tags:aiki

Народ у [info]aikido@lj забаўляецца
marinw: You have colour belts? We just have white belts and black belts.
lrc: You have belts? We have to hold our gis on just by projecting ki from our center!
ironphoenix: You have gis? We practice naked, but cloud the minds of those less skilled so that they can't tell. (It makes a great incentive to improve one's skills!)
jokergirl: Oh, but do you practice naked outside, on a concrete road, in a blizzard, uphill both ways?
ironphoenix: Yup... in rush-hour traffic! (It builds situational awareness, don't ya know!)