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Пофигизм - наше знамя

November 2nd, 2018

Зачем работает пропаганда @ 12:52 am


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Date: November 2nd, 2018 - 01:47 am
Bowers probably seen Jews as the root of the immigration problem, because many Jews, being immigrants themselves, are compassionate about other immigrants and refugees, so they work at organizations like HIAS, helping people. For example, HIAS can file an appeal, that would prevent immediate deportation of caught immigrant. But the actual root is that Mexico has small salaries, while US has large salaries, so Mexicans want to work in US, and US entrepreneurs support that, while American citizens get mad at increased competition and demand protectionism.

Anyway, that Bowers is just a crazy schizo.
Date: November 2nd, 2018 - 06:40 am
Покорми Кетмаря. Покорми Кетмаря, сука!

А. Мырзин-Питухновский
Date: November 2nd, 2018 - 08:20 am
Это бла-бла придуманная фейк ньюз медиа, которую наш Трамп назвал врагами народа. Интервью в нормальной прессе не было, виновным он себя не признает.

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Пофигизм - наше знамя