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[Jan. 23rd, 2010|10:33 pm]
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Жириновский был веселее в качестве пугала.
С другой стороны, много ли нужно чеченцев
для контролю над выборными урнами. Если
игра дойдет до улиц, выборы будут что-нибудь
вроде Кадыров vs Поткин, по крайней мере,
в Москве.

via [info]azatiy
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[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 09:53 pm
Не смотря на всю кашу с чечней. Нашей власти надо поучится у наших недавних противников, что бы не получилось как с германией. Яркий пример невероятной власти на доверии своего родного народа. Кремль - я голосую за Рамзана!
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 10:28 pm
Давай писать на латыни!
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 10:56 pm
а получше переводчика нет?
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 02:47 am
Кажется нет. А и не надо.
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 11:39 pm
Что-то не очень получается!
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:04 am
Well, if Latin doesn't work maybe we should
switch to English (I don't think that my English grammar
is any worse than my Russian one, they both suck).

Think of it; there is lesser chance of getting sued
under provisions of art. 282, because there are fewer
English speaking snitches around.
[User Picture]
Date:January 25th, 2010 - 12:51 pm
на самом деле пришить дело к переводу легче
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 10:29 pm
Okay, I'm going to be flippant here because I am just starting to read up on all the reference points and names in your post, and so far in Wikipedia, I have read, among other things, that Zhirinovsky once promised people free vodka and underwear, but if you think about it, if you get enough vodka, the underwear will be flying.

Now I go to read more seriously...

(P.S. I never mean to offend or be insulting.)
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 10:43 pm
How much vodka would you like, Oona ? I got plenty here !
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 11:06 pm
Я не позволю Вас спаивать иностранцев!
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 11:27 pm
[info]tristes_tigres, I dun think we should conduct your imaginary trysts all over [info]aculeata's journal. I'm sure she is not a voyeur like...well, like yourself.
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 11:44 pm
Well, I think I might be, just a bit.
That is, should you look for a place to conduct those
imaginary trysts, you are welcome.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 12:54 am
Thank you, but I like to have things under MY control...including him. ;)
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 01:17 am
Hey Prof. [info]tristes_tigres, or rather Messieurs Les
Professeurs! You owe me a score here,
and when you should have helped me for the
sake of our ancient acquaintanceship, you've
just messed it up.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 01:27 am
Really though, it's okay. I'm just toying with him. I can tell he isn't serious, whereas I am always serious. Very, very serious.

(Psst! He's a professor?) o_O
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 01:51 am
But surely he is serious when it comes to
the subject of beautiful ladies *and* vodka!

Actually, I don't know whether he is a professor
or not -- he might be by now. Calling each other,
jokingly, Dr.s and Prof.s was a Usenet practice
of very long ago, and there is a story of how
it started. We were all very young then.
I guess, in general, it is not funny anymore.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 02:06 am
Well, I love to listen to the stories of people I like. I think I should have been an historian or a museum curator or both. I would love to have a place where art and history and written as well as audio reminisces of everyday people about their pasts are all collected and available for people to learn from.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:07 am
Well, just as, say, folklore songs are mostly
about love and death, the Internet stories
for the most part center about freaks. And,
like all things of good old times, ancient freaks
were far better than modern ones -- immensely so,
in fact. That is, more evil, more ingenious, more
sociopathic, better educated, more imaginative.

We used to have a whole team of those, headed by
self-proclaimed Dr. Vulis. He was a hunchback and
lame in one foot as legend has it (some people saw
him in real life and reported his infernal appearance).
His favourite pastime was toying with public stupidity,
which was all too real. He adored to single out a Jew
and provoke the whole democratically thinking community
to write to the victim's administration or job providers
accusing the said Jew of the worst type of antisemitism,
based on Dr. Vulis' crafty interpretation of some
statement made by the victim, needless to add, totally
irrelevant to the subject. Dr. Vulis also spoke to the
robots disseminating political spam and made friends
with them. They had been programmed by their inventors
to be self-educating to some (pretty poor, though) extent,
and so he managed to turn them on his opponents whenever
he saw fit.

Well, his story is indeed long, and here I only need
to mention some of his remarkable perversities, just
to try and communicate the impression. It was he and
his friend Prof. Viznyuk who first started to misuse
the terms "Doctor" and "Professor" applying them to
their own last names. Since most of the users came
from academic circles by then, it was generally
considered a sacrilege, to the joy of the self-appointed
doctors and professors. Then, somehow, we gave in to
the perverted fashion, so that nobody would mention, say,
a postman or a concierge in a house without adding
a title "Academician" to his or her last name.

Sorry if I made it too long; it's just that I felt,
had I not, the main pervert flavour would be lost.
And we are talking perversions here, like spanking
or voyeurism, are we not?
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:14 am
What would happen to the people whose reputations were smeared?
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:27 am
Some of them had to look for another job.
A relative of mine was punished by his job
providers in a curious way: while allowed to
keep his position, he had to undergo a psychological
treatment. His diagnosis was something like
"unhealthily nostalgic"; allegedly, he felt
sort of unstable because his home country,
the USSR, broke to form separate administrative
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:33 am
That's messed up. The people who perpetrated the smears should have had it done unto them.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:41 am
In fact, so they had. Only I am not sure
we've been happy, then, to see it accomplished.
The "good guys" -- and such they were indeed,
typical American squareheads -- managed to sue
Dr. Vulis or perhaps even get him to jail, and
then started to post fake messages from his wife
and children accusing their husband and father
of paedophilia and the like, denouncing him in
all possible ways. The good guys explained that
Vulis had also made false accusation, so that should
serve him right.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:48 am
I know from personal experience that one of the most aggravating things in life is to be accused of things you haven't done nor would even think of doing. I think it's aggravating, anyway. Actually, it enrages me.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:58 am
True. Still, imagine you're a kid, and
you get posted something in your name,
because your father has offended someone.
And that "something" is denouncing your
father as a paedophil which he was not.

To a grown-up, the well-known "things
that do not kill us, make us stronger"
holds. To a kid, that is not so, in general.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 04:36 am
Agreed. People who cause children to suffer deserve a special hell in my opinion.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 09:34 am
That's not a single issue. Like, what the bad guy
Vulis did to people should have been maddening, but
harmless in terms of job career. There are freedoms,
and whatever you (allegedly or in reality) think of
any nation has nothing to do with your professional
abilities. It was not harmless, which the freak knew,
but that was not his problem.

What the good guys did was not supposed to be harmless,
but intended to lead to the prohibition, for the bad
guy, to communicate in any way with his children.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 09:42 pm
To a grown-up, the well-known "things that do not kill us, make us stronger" holds. To a kid, that is not so, in general.

It is a definition of "grown-up". Age is irrelevant, of course. For example, a corpse is not a "grown-up" since it never gets stronger with time.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 09:48 pm
A zombie does!
[User Picture]
Date:January 25th, 2010 - 01:16 am
Oooh. nice one!
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 04:59 am
There is a great deal of good stories in the back issues of :LENIN: (from your posts and comments I figured that
you read Russian). Seriously, that is fun to read and
I draw inspiration from those notes more often than
I think I should.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 05:25 am
>>Here? Thank you for the suggestion, if that is the correct link.

I use the Google translator and try to make sense of what it gives me. My friend
[info]dizorder many times lets me know when I am far astray. :)
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 07:39 am
Yep, that's right.
Too bad you use a machine translation, I'm afraid
a lot of gems will be lost in translation. Also,
it is useful to have an idea what those times in
Russia/post-USSR were like, just to get a proper
prospective. I hope [info]dizorder is doing
a great job relaying the story.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 07:46 am
Oh! He does a great job with everything. :)
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 08:07 am
...and there are also many other users who have gone out of their way to teach me about things. I never know whether they want me to mention them by name, but I appreciate everything they do. :)
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:09 am
> We were all very young then.

Once young -- forever young.

> I guess, in general, it is not funny anymore.

And you know why? Because many of us are Drs. and Profs.
It looks very different from this side.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:21 am
That's what I meant.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:37 am
If I become a professor, I won't tell you then.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:43 am
I thought you have.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 04:57 am
I'm a "senior research scientist". That's kind a
like a professor with no own grants, another
professor to report to and the one who doesn't
have to teach. It's not as bad as it seems,
but I'm not a faculty still.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 09:14 am
Oooh! Can you say what you are researching?
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:59 pm
Not going into details, molecular physics,
specifically, laser spectroscopy of
organic radicals and other transient
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 04:09 pm
Wow! I'm impressed! Thank you. :)
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 12:46 am
Oh, no ! You don't like me anymore ! I'll go drink all the vodka myself *sniff* *sniff*
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 12:52 am
I didna say that. You're just looking for an excuse to drink my share!
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:00 am
I think you rely on a wrong idea about relation
of vodka to underwear. There is an old saying that
"born to drink is unable to screw", hence I'd take
tristes' statement at face value, without any
preconceived notion (not that I think that tristes
is born to drink, but I hope you understand what
I mean).

Speaking on Zhirinovsky though, what he was in Russian
political circles is exactly what aculeata said: a scare
for pro-western aligned folks and all western politicians
to that matter. The very idea that his stunts represented
any real political drift or line of thinking is questionable
at best.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:06 am
> The very idea that his stunts represented
> any real political drift or line of thinking is questionable
> at best.

Correction: there actually were, but not at that time.
[User Picture]
Date:January 24th, 2010 - 03:08 am
Thank you for your analysis of the vodka issue. lol

I got that impression, too, about Mr Z from the article, even though it was just on Wikipedia. I am always inclined to take politics with a large helping of cynicism no matter what country it applies to. My idealism went out the window long ago.
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 11:05 pm
In Wikipedia all clauses about politicians mismatch truth.
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 11:19 pm
I know. I always take Wikipedia with a grain of salt.:)
[User Picture]
Date:January 23rd, 2010 - 11:41 pm
>if you get enough vodka, the underwear will be flying

He wouldn't mind, I think. Such is his political
image that he wouldn't mind. What's wrong with
flying underwear in any case?