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Пишет Artem Chernikov ([info]archernikov)
@ 2006-02-01 10:05:00

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Tarski told me the following story. He
tried to publish his theorem ( |X|=|X*X| -> AxiomOfChoice ) in the
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris but Fréchet and
Lebesgue refused to present it. Fréchet wrote that
an implication between two well known propositions
is not a new result. Lebesgue wrote that an
implication between two false propositions is of no
interest. And Tarski said that after this misadventure
he never tried to publish in the Comptes Rendus.

A System of Axioms of Set Theory for the Rationalists, Jan Mycielski

UPD: Комментарий в скобочках мой. Разумеется, там должно быть
(For all infinite sets X there exists a bijection of X to X × X) → (Axiom of Choice).

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2006-02-01 05:02 (ссылка)
Ну конечно, все эти модные теоретико-множественные штучки ограничивали область применимости его основных идей!

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