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Пишет atorent_allegan ([info]atorent_allegan)
@ 2021-01-20 17:41:00

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Открытка Перцеву, Калоедину и многим, многим, многим. На картинке я.

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2021-01-20 18:30 (ссылка)
Hello, Myrzin!

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2021-01-20 19:08 (ссылка)
Тебя нигеры уже в ачько драли?

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2021-01-20 19:44 (ссылка)
задков иди в жопу.

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2021-01-21 09:42 (ссылка)
If you do nor use Lyca or Lebara for 3 (or 6) months, they stop serving you and reassign a number to another sim. So your phone number probably was not leaked by Lyca, but by one of previous owners.

And you can't record phone calls because of local privacy laws. Be serious about that. You may not make photo/video/etc. recordings of people (other refugees are people btw) without their consent.

As I've told you before. If you want to stay here, you shall adapt your behaviour. Stop posting any racist things here, and stop doing (or even thinking) such things.

First of all other refugees are people. They all have their past just like you do. They were not born thieves, but they were growing in a bad environ, just like you were. Try to think about that.

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2021-01-21 09:48 (ссылка)
are you one of neighbors? by the way, his real name is Nikita Sadkov.

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2021-01-21 12:32 (ссылка)
юзузбай э фью кейкс ин а кукулариэ дипартмэнт хэвэнайсдейс факоф

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2021-01-21 13:25 (ссылка)
I will keep recording dumbfucks, especially the ones who threaten me or try to scam me.

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2021-01-21 13:27 (ссылка)
>First of all other refugees are people. They all have their past just like you do. They were not born thieves, but they were growing in a bad environ, just like you were. Try to think about that.

Unfortunately they are also batshit homophobic and usually looking for a fight.

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2021-01-21 19:14 (ссылка)
задков иди в жопу.

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