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Jan. 6th, 2021 | 09:55 am

Африканская племенная преступность, отличающаяся особым садизмом по отношению к бледнолицым, процветает махровым цветом

Ben Woolley found himself in the fray because a woman needed help.

"A young girl was being attacked," he said.

Mr Woolley was confronting a group of eight thugs which allowed her to escape, which is when the mob turned on him.

"They just came in with full force with every weapon they had at their disposal," he said.

Using the end of an umbrella, pieces of steel and rocks, they repeatedly thrashed him.

"Some of the women in the group, as the men were hitting me — they were calling for the guys to kill me."


Газетчики лезут из кожи вон, чтобы не назвать черное черным, а белое белым. У них за плечами наши университеты, занятые исключительно левацким мозгопромывом.

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Comments {2}

(no subject)

from: anonymous
date: Jan. 6th, 2021 - 03:09 am

Белых людей обижают!


Гомо саспенс

(no subject)

from: [info]harllatham
date: Jan. 6th, 2021 - 12:37 pm

Университет, конечно, давно следовало бы уничтожить задля блага правых идей и прочего говна, даже если это говно белое
