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Пишет crivelli ([info]crivelli)
@ 2004-02-05 17:41:00

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Edward Chesterton, father of G.K.Chesterton

Trying to write the history of the world and human beings in
one book
, the author is constantly being irritated by the sound of his seven daughters. After a number of threats, his head becomes detached and floats off over the town of Leyden.

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this is great
2004-02-05 10:40 (ссылка)
do you happen to know if it's in print? Or maybe I should just trawl amazon and abebooks.

I like this kind of vaguely surreal, obsessional work very much. Thanks!

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Re: this is great
2004-02-05 10:48 (ссылка)
I'm happy to share - I also admire this crazy line, but it seems, that it never was in print -just for family use, now, perhaps in some archive or other. I looked for him in Google, but in vain.

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Re: this is great
2004-02-05 11:25 (ссылка)
yes, I also looked and could find nothing. It's a pity.

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