Dmitri Pavlov - Революция в математике
January 5th, 2012
12:00 am


Революция в математике

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Date:January 4th, 2012 - 11:13 pm
Ah yes, Hungarian mathematics...This reminds me of Frank Quinn’s remark:

On page 206 he [David Corfield] quotes Gromov as attributing a lack of appreciation for his bookon the h-principle in partial differential equations to resistance to conceptual work. I suspect Gromov is using ‘conceptual’ here as ‘lacking technical detail’: he is a product of the Russian school that puts more emphasis on ideas than precision…

I get the feeling he does not altogether approve….
Date:January 4th, 2012 - 11:23 pm
Это, скорее, не о венгерской математике,
а об основной теме статьи (подход 19 века vs современный подход).
“Lacking technical detail” — это как раз про 19 век.
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Date:January 5th, 2012 - 01:06 am
>he is a product of the Russian school that puts more emphasis on ideas than precision…

Американцы дураки, не понимают. On definitions rather than proofs. Lack of technical detail это печальный побочный эффект.
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