И Свет светит во тьме и тьма не объяла Его

August 22nd, 2010

Последние дни Патриарха Тихона - врач Э. Бакунина – часть II @ 12:27 am



Date: August 22nd, 2010 - 12:49 pm

St. Patriarch TIKHON (Belavin), the last, truly 'Holy' Patriarch of Russia

Vechnaya Pamyat and may he rest with the saints!
Holy Patriarch Tikhon, was a truly great man, a great missionary in North America and around the world. He spoke a number of languages, and he loved every one of his fellow mankind, from every race and nation, most especially his Russian land and people.
Like his teacher, Christ, he gave his life for his people, on his cross of suffering, to the very last breath in his body.
After him, there has not been a free Russian Church, or a real Patriarch, only liars and robbers, stooges of the bolshevik monsters, as Comrade Mikhail-Gundaev is today.
Thank you, Guest-2, for posting this history.
O Holy New Confessor, Patriarch TIKHON, pray to God for us!
"The memory of the just is celebrated with hymns of praise".


И Свет светит во тьме и тьма не объяла Его