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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2020-07-11 15:00:00

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Haeusser’s spell in the Tübingen asylum coincided with the “First International Dada Fair” in Berlin. In it Johannes Baader, the original art punk, proclaimed himself the “President of Earth and Space”, much as Haeusser decreed himself the “President of the United States of Europe”. Conversely, Haeusser’s posters could well have been exhibits in the Dada show. Haeusser and Baader got to know each other around this time and found they were kindred spirits – to an extent. Baader was intrigued by the demented intensity of Haeusser’s persona but repelled by his lack of humour; while Baader formed a satirical “Christus GmbH” (Christ Corp.) during the war, Haeusser appeared to be quite serious about his own divinity. But the two had mental instability in common; Baader had also spent time in an asylum.


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2020-07-11 15:33 (ссылка)
By 1922, Haeusser was the most successful of the new caste of Inflation Saints and even launched his own newspaper, Haeusser, to further mobilise the faithful. In June he offered to take over Germany’s Foreign Ministry; the authorities’ response to his generous offer is not recorded. But with his thoughts still on the political sphere he started his own party, the Christlich-Radikale Partei (Christian Radical Party), which claimed to have 2 million members. This was a figure as wildly inflated as the beleaguered Reichsmark of the time – there were never more than 200 on its list.

Haeusser ended the year on a high, appointing himself “Volkskaiser” and issuing an “imperial” declaration offering amnesty for all crimes, declaring an end to all institutions – jails, asylums, even hospitals – and calling for an end to all constraint, a “voluntary lack of possessions”, all of this to be celebrated by an inaugural ten days’ rest under punishment of death with guillotines to be erected on every square to underline the threat.


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