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Пишет Apocalypse Won ([info]harllatham)
@ 2021-01-12 21:14:00

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Музыка:The New Possibility - John Fahey's Guitar Soli Christmas Album

Похороны лосося
Гои -- любители Гойи -- троллируют экипаж затонувшего ржавого ледокола хасидско-хаоситской революции
The macabre art of Francisco Goya, the first truly modern artist, is due to be exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum in New York next month and there could hardly be a more urgent moment for Americans to look at his images. For, over 200 years ago, this Spanish artist perfectly captured the kind of collective delusion and mass fanaticism that swarmed the US Capitol last week
And then there’s The Burial of the Sardine, in which a delirious crowd cavort around a huge banner of a madly grinning face. At first glance, it seems to be a joyous carnival scene, but look closer and the intensity of their rite becomes unsettling as you notice that face on the banner, their vacant lord of the dance. It has a definitive Trumpian air.

Хотя, как по мне, сей ухмыляющийся фас более походит на Антона Мырзина.

В бело-либертарианском венчике из роз
Конопатый витухнос

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2021-01-12 22:38 (ссылка)
Tracking the decline of salmon in the North Sea basin
