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Пишет haruhi_jew ([info]haruhi_jew)
@ 2019-10-25 12:35:00

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Why Russian cannot be derived from Latin?

Languages of the Indo-European family are classified as either centum languages or satem languages according to how the dorsal consonants (sounds of "K" and "G" type) of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) developed. An example of the different developments is provided by the words for "hundred" found in the early attested Indo-European languages. In centum languages, they typically began with a /k/ sound (Latin centum was pronounced with initial /k/), but in satem languages, they often began with /s/ (the example satem comes from the Avestan language of Zoroastrian scripture).

Russian is satem, Latin is centum.

rex_weblen, you are certainly wrong.

P.S. The picture is so russophobic. There is an idea for Sadkov to ban all satems and allow only Civilized(TM) languages in centum group.

(Добавить комментарий)

2019-10-25 15:11 (ссылка)
это чё блядь санскрит тоже запретят
да вы там охуели это святой язык арийцев суки

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-25 16:23 (ссылка)
садков тебе и анус запретит, рашн скам

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2019-10-25 17:20 (ссылка)
Russian spam

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2019-10-25 22:28 (ссылка)
1 ruble is 'целковый' or celkoviy . 1 ruble = 100 kopecks. This is is a counting way of the ancient Rus. See Ribnikov. He is a great wizard of Omnigen, so he cant' be wrong. The modern number system was invented by Huns to fuel their scam (see FRS).

So Russian belongs to the the 'Centum' Family.


2019-10-26 11:30 (ссылка)
It is no longer thought that the Proto-Indo-European language split first into centum and satem branches from which all the centum and all the satem languages, respectively, would have derived. Such a division is made particularly unlikely by the discovery that while the satem group lies generally to the east and the centum group to the west, the most eastward of the known IE language branches, Tocharian, is centum.[2]
