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Why Russian cannot be derived from Latin? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centum_an Languages of the Indo-European family are classified as either centum languages or satem languages according to how the dorsal consonants (sounds of "K" and "G" type) of the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) developed. An example of the different developments is provided by the words for "hundred" found in the early attested Indo-European languages. In centum languages, they typically began with a /k/ sound (Latin centum was pronounced with initial /k/), but in satem languages, they often began with /s/ (the example satem comes from the Avestan language of Zoroastrian scripture). Russian is satem, Latin is centum. rex_weblen, you are certainly wrong. P.S. The picture is so russophobic. There is an idea for Sadkov to ban all satems and allow only Civilized(TM) languages in centum group. |