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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2019-05-18 23:10:00

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Настроение: apathetic
Музыка:Centaspike - Conjuring Spells
Entry tags:deutschland, lustig, muslime

De Mohammed – was war denn des eichendlich für aaner?
The city in the Main-Kinzig district has distributed 5000 coasters in restaurants since the end of January as part of its campaign "Islam uff Hessisch" (Islam in the Hessian dialect).

The cardboard mats feature questions about Islam such as "Derfe die Fußballer im Ramadan garni nix esse?” which translates roughly to “Are footballers allowed to eat anything during Ramadan? and "De Mohammed – was war denn des eichendlich für aaner” (Mohammed, who was that guy?).

Some of the mats also include cider jugs, a symbol of the region known for its Apfelwein.

Вот интересно, это такой тонкий троллинг мусликов или они действительно думали, что средний посетитель Kneipe, опрокинув парочку Maßen, станет читать всю эту хуергу?

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2021-03-26 01:05 (ссылка)
я твою мать ебал и тебя ебать буду

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