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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2021-06-27 01:37:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Музыка:Bài Ca Dành Cho Những Xác Người (Sáng tác: Trịnh Công Sơn) - KHÁNH LY
Entry tags:cover, krieg, mukke, rote pest, vietnam

Bài ca dành cho những xác người


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2021-06-27 03:40 (ссылка)

This afternoon, climbing a hill, singing on top of corpses
I have seen, I have seen
On the road, people holding each other and running to hide

This afternoon, climbing a hill, singing on top of corpses
I have seen, I have seen
In a garden, a mother holding her child's lifeless body

A mother claps her hands and celebrates her child's corpse
A mother claps and cheers for peace
People clap their hands for more harmony
People clap their hands for more miserable hardship

This afternoon, passing through Bai Dau, singing on top of corpses
I have seen, I have seen
On the road, an old father holding his child gone cold

This afternoon, passing through Bai Dau, singing on top of corpses
I've seen, I have seen
The graves dug and dear brothers and sisters buried

A mother claps her hands and celebrates war
A sister claps and cheers for peace
People clap their hands for more revenge
People clap their hands less and less to repent

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2021-06-27 03:42 (ссылка)
надо признат',
текст, который там в субтитрах, гораздо зажигательнее

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-06-27 03:59 (ссылка)
I hope you guys enjoy the song and have a peaceful week ahead!

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