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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2021-07-17 17:21:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Entry tags:corona, deutschland, kunst, mukke, niederlande, technologie

CLAN OF XYMOX – The Great Reset (Official Video)

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2021-07-17 19:54 (ссылка)
Пылающий двуглавый анус лосося на иллюстрации кагбэ намекает


2021-07-17 20:08 (ссылка)

Ронни вообще в последнее время исключительно про ковид

твиттер-активисты пока не пронюхали, но рано или поздно
пронюхают, заканселят и отовсюду выпиздят, боюсь

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2021-07-17 20:21 (ссылка)
Exactly a year after Spider On The Wall, Legendary goth rock band Clan of Xymox returns with a stunning new album. As 2020 saw the world shut down, and Clan of Xymox unable to tour, the band began crafting new material, influenced by the pandemic. Limbo is a master stroke of modern goth rock, expanding the signature Clan of Xymox sound to create a captivating take on this moment in our history.

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2021-07-17 20:16 (ссылка)
The Great Reset - Clan Of Xymox

Just make do or do without
Use it up and wear it out
Go green and go without a fight
The truth is slowly coming clear
The greater good is prime
A cyber life awaits mankind
They’re planning for our future now
Planning to reset somehow
Here we are in no man’s land
Here is what we understand
We are begging for our freedom here
The great reset is all we fear
No one understands this fact
Two thousand thirty is the year
Reshape and override
All’s reset overnight
Planet Earth re-aligned
Without a doubt
All creatures great and small
Replaced by digital culls
We know where this will go from here
They’re planning for our future now
Planning to reset somehow
Here we are in no man’s land
Here is what we understand
We are begging for our freedom here
The great reset is all we fear
No one understands this fact
Unaware we go to bed
The Great Reset
The Great Reset
We say enough now with growth
Enough now with oils
Enough now with all that spoils
They’re planning for our future now
Planning to reset somehow
Here we are in no man’s land
Here is what we understand
We are fighting for our freedom here
The great reset is all we fear
No one understands this fact
Two thousand thirty is the year
