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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2021-12-26 23:30:00

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Настроение: calm
Музыка:Michael Rother (NEU!) performing "Negativland"
Entry tags:deutschland, kraut, kunst, lustig, mukke, wwii

»Was ist Krautrock?« (DE) | Pop-Kultur 2021
Dat is ja hier wie in ner Judenschule.

Неудивительно, впрочем:

Возможно, если бы не неудачная денацификация,
то не было бы и никакого краутрока, кто его знает.

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2021-12-27 00:45 (ссылка)
Вполне возможно, кстати.


It is a fascinating book, not least because Schmidt’s life was extraordinary even before he formed Can. Born in Berlin in 1937, he can remember seeing Allied planes strafe a German military train with gunfire while he was an evacuee in Austria; returning to Germany in 1946, he found it “absolutely flattened by bombing. I grew up in these total ruins. That was an experience that is still deeply within me: growing up in this town, this land, where everything was devastated, all the buildings, all the culture.” His teenage years were marked not just by the usual adolescent surliness but by an obsessive fury over his homeland’s recent history: he was expelled from school for using its student magazine to expose his teachers’ Nazi pasts, while his relationship with his father – another Nazi supporter who had done nothing to intervene when their Jewish neighbours were taken to Auschwitz – was “pure war”. “Always asking, ‘Why did you do this?’, ‘Why didn’t you do that?’, ‘How could you? How could you?’ I think there is this kind of … mourning within me which I can never get rid of.”

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2021-12-27 14:32 (ссылка)
>Schmidt’s method of killing time on the road involved ingesting “a microscopic dose of LSD” and then taking the wheel.

Пионер микродозинга, однако!

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2021-12-27 23:49 (ссылка)
И ведь до 84-x доехал!

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