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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2010-12-09 21:46:00

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The danger inherent in overextending the doctrine “plausible denial”
Этот документ можно цитировать вечно:

The original concept of “plausible denial” envisioned implementing covert actions in a manner calculated to conceal American involvement if the actions were exposed. The doctrine was at times a delusion and at times a snare. It was naive for policymakers to assume that sponsorship of actions as big as the Bay of Pigs invasion could be concealed. The Committee’s investigation of assassination and the public disclosures which preceded the inquiry demonstrate that when the United States resorted to cloak-and-dagger tactics, its hand was ultimately exposed. We were particularly disturbed ‘to find little evidence that the risks and consequences of disclosure were considered.

We find that the likelihood of reckless action is substantially increased when policymakers believe that their decisions will never be revealed. Whatever can be said in defense of the original purpose of plausible denial--a purpose which intends to conceal United States involvement from the outside world-the extension of the doctrine to the internal decision-making process of the Government is absurd. Any theory which, as a matter of doctrine, places elected officials on the periphery of the decision-making process is an invitation to error, an abdication of responsibility, and a perversion of democratic government. The doctrine is the antithesis of accountability.

Кстати - как будет по русски "plausible denial" - "правдоподобная несознанка"?

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2010-12-09 22:14 (ссылка)
"правдоподобное отрицание"

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2010-12-09 22:24 (ссылка)
Кстати, применительно к планированию операции как о желательном свойстве говорят о plausible deniability, которое вроде как "отрицаемость", но переводят как "отрицание".

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