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Пишет lookatindivid ([info]lookatindivid)
@ 2018-10-25 12:05:00

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продолжаю дрюкать politiscales.net
На этот раз рассмотрим экстремальные портреты.

Абсолютный идиот (в древнегреческом смысле).
Все ответы "Neutral or hesitant":

Полный уебан, отвечающий на каждый вопрос "Absolutely disagree":

И тотальный долбоеб, который на все говорит "Absolutely agree":

Additional characteristics
Anarchism : When the people are being hit with a stick, they are not happier if the stick is called “the stick of the people”. The State is an oppression that must be abolished.
Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.
Complotism : the biggest problems of our society are the work of a small group of people. It is then essential to find them, inform the people of their objective and neutralize them.
Veganism : Human beings must stop at all costs the consumption and exploitation of “sensible” being.
Monarchism : society should be organized around a king.
Missionnary : for you religon is important, especially yours. It is therefore appropriate to spread it as globally as possible.

Вот этот последний чем-то минипигуса напоминает, кстати.