lqp - Post a comment
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06:20 pm



У меня в локалке патчи валяются с вот такими инструкциями:

How to:
1. Download GoogleEarth Pro (http://desktop.google.com/download/earth/GoogleEarthPro.exe)
2. Install it.
3. Go to GoogleEarth Pro directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth Pro)
4. Copy (replace) base.dll with file from the archive.
5. Copy file "kh20" from the archive to the GoogleEarth Pro directory.
6. Copy "default_lt.kvw" from the archive the /kvw directory (C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth Pro\kvw).
7. Enjoy. Now you can make movies, draw lines and polygons, save and print Premium quality images (4800 dpi) and use GPS.

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