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Пишет merry_prankster ([info]merry_prankster)
@ 2021-06-01 11:28:00

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Музыка:Spectrum -- Then I Just Drifted Away

Spectrum -- Then I Just Drifted Away

Verse 1]
I first saw you in the summer time
Your eyes burned blue and so did the sky
I wiped the sea salt from my eyes and then
And then I just drifted away

[Verse 2]
I dreamt of you as the summer slipped by
Day's were long and the living was fine
I looked at you and wish you were mine and then
And then I just drifted away

[Verse 3]
I guess I next saw you when the years went far
You smiled at me, I fell ten feet tall
The clouds camе between us from the side of thе mall and then
And then I just drifted away

[Verse 4]
I saw you again as the years go by
You'd look at me and I'd avoid your eyes
I wondered why I was born so shy and then
And then I just drifted away

[Verse 5]
So the summer time that passed us by
And I can't always sit inside
We wonder how things might've been but then
But then I just drifted away

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2021-06-01 15:30 (ссылка)
всм забирай говно? калоедин ты чо

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