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Пишет merry_prankster ([info]merry_prankster)
@ 2021-06-25 11:57:00

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Музыка:Vän - Thaiboy Digital

Vän - Thaiboy Digital

Well... you
My friend isn't a good person
My friend isn't a good person
I wanna say " Love you" to someone but i love nobody
My friend isn't a rich
My friend isn't a good person
And i'm not a rich person either... i wanna tell "Love you" to you but i have no much money
My friend isn't a rich
My friend isn't a good person
But i love truly and actually love you. Even though i have no money but i really love you
My friend isn't a good person
My friend isn't a popular one (high class)
But i actually love you
My friend isn't a good person
My friend isn't a good person

(translation from Thai)

(Добавить комментарий)

2021-06-25 16:33 (ссылка)
А когда Перцева ебали, что на твоей жопе напейсали?
