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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-11-04 20:30:00

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Настроение: contemplative

Do you believe in magic?

For a long time I did not.

Not until recently.

Now I see that there are magic words and gestures.

The so called spells.

They can enchant reality, create illusions and summon demons.

From simple cantrips to powerful invocations.

But as they say non-initiated people are blind to it.

Or only notice a small part of a bigger enchantment.

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2021-11-05 00:13 (ссылка)
Magic is Schrödinger's thing, it may work or may not work. Depends on your concentration, expression of desire, direction of energy.

There are 4 cornerstones - faith, will, imagination and secret.


2021-11-05 11:03 (ссылка)
> Do you believe in magic?
I had some magical things in past, most were related to the usage of psychedelics.
Or even some time before I tried them for the first time, but with psychedelics there is illusion they are going through time in both directions in this regard.

It is worth to mention that I do not believe in magic, so it was play to me. Play like "let's imagine magic is real but anyway take it with a grain of salt". It wasn't even magic in my understanding, it's not like even shaping reality with you mind and will. It felt like shifting the odds in otherwise statistically fair game of life. Shifting the odds despite your disbelief that is possible. It's hard to verbalise because I did not think about this much, that was in the rulebook of this game - do not try to analyse.

So different nice coincidences started to happen. Coincidences that had long lasting impact on my life.
Hard to bring any good examples, most of them were personal and had some back story, but I think I have one.

There was a girl I liked very much. Maybe even felt in love.
So I took my girfriend's (other female friend that was hanging with me back then) the magic 8 ball brought to my home and started to ask the questions. About does that girl likes me, what to do next. And answers were scarily consistent and correct. No matter how much time I asked the similar questions, answers were consistent.

And you know what? We're together for more that decade. She is my wife now, and we have beautiful children, and love each other.

Yes, this 8-ball stuff is bullshit. Just coincidences, psychology, delusions. But that's how "magic" works, because magic does not exist.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-11-05 14:24 (ссылка)
>I do not believe in magic

Do you even know what is magic?
It is like saying "I don't believe in Pi"
Because you will never know the full value of Pi.


(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-11-05 14:58 (ссылка)
you shoulh have gotten from the context what kind of disbelief this is
wink wink

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2021-11-05 23:55 (ссылка)
Yes, I believe in magick.

But all people who capitalize on their psychic powers are crooks.
