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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-03-01 23:31:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Entry tags:feminism, transitioning

Checked Amazon's Rings of Powers
I'm not a fan of the Lord of the Rings, which I find a bit dated, right-wingish, and generally superseded by the Forgotten Realms.
So I kinda enjoyed the Rings of Powers, with the exception of two nitpicks
1. Too slow. Would be better as a single 2 hour feature film.
2. Too many strong women characters. As a woman I don't want to be strong and oppose the entire gender erasure trend, where women are expected to compete with men on equal footing, like it is some USSR.

The only half strong dude is that nigga elf, but on the good side it made tolkein fans mad, which I always approve. Hope in the 2nd season they will make all elves black just to annoy the white pride people. The shitstorm these movies generate is far funnier than the movies. Also gang blacked Galadriel with the queen of spades tattoo would be nice too. Mistress of the Rods wtf!!

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2024-03-01 23:48 (ссылка)
задков иди в жопу


2024-03-02 01:13 (ссылка)
пики точеные


2024-03-02 02:36 (ссылка)
сумасшедший пидарас никита садков вытатуировал себе туза
как знак того что он дает в туза
а все и так уже знают

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2024-03-02 11:27 (ссылка)

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2024-03-02 13:52 (ссылка)
голландская королева

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2024-03-02 02:36 (ссылка)
кто нибудь сморел Дюна2 ?

помню игоря была намного интереснее чем Дбна1

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2024-03-02 05:48 (ссылка)
да ты же упоротый

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2024-03-02 08:32 (ссылка)
франк херберт пидорас

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2024-03-02 12:08 (ссылка)
опять запил, витёк?

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2024-03-02 12:24 (ссылка)
Lawrence of Arabia in space.

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2024-03-03 18:00 (ссылка)
Hello, Nancy.
This chorus is an effective antidepressant and remedy for suicidal thoughts. Listen to it on repeat for hours every day so that it becomes your own habitual thought. Say these words to yourself whenever you have a suicidal thought, any problem, or a bad mood.

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2024-03-03 22:44 (ссылка)
I prefer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEtp8qO1TW0

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