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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-09 07:25:00

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I dislike when people tell me what language I should speak, what name to call myself, or what gender role to conform. I will never conform to such mistreatment and I will fight back.

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2021-10-09 18:32 (ссылка)
You're free to write in other blogs, where they instead enforce Russian.
My blog is a safe space.

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2021-10-09 20:08 (ссылка)
none of that matter

what matters, is that you consistently present your self as an idiot writing random trash: first you write that you dislike when someone tells you what language to speak, and then immediately forcing all the others to use a specific language.

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2021-10-09 20:10 (ссылка)
All of my writings matter.
If you can't comprehend them, then I'm sorry for you.

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2021-10-09 20:16 (ссылка)
That was a discussion on a specific matter. Those writings of yours were not relevant to the matter. Your personality was not relevant to the matter. It was a very specific subject.

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2021-10-09 20:18 (ссылка)
You're confused.

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2021-10-09 20:28 (ссылка)
Can you follow a discussion at all?

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2021-10-10 01:42 (ссылка)
As a girl, you should be nice to everybody, Nancy. You still have man's behavior here.

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2021-10-10 10:31 (ссылка)
A girl is nice when people are nice. But we have Russians here...

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2021-10-10 01:46 (ссылка)
The normal behavior in a multi-lingual environment is when everybody speaks the language he wants to speak. This is real European position in this matter. That's why EU promotes language learning and language diversity. But you behave like a typical Russian demanding from others what language they may use.

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