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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-09 07:25:00

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I dislike when people tell me what language I should speak, what name to call myself, or what gender role to conform. I will never conform to such mistreatment and I will fight back.

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2021-10-09 20:18 (ссылка)
I disagree.

Sadkov should get a proper medical treatment. Locking him in an institution should be considered only a last resort measure - if everything else failed. And if he becomes dangerous to the others.

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2021-10-09 23:51 (ссылка)
Sadkov is quite dangerous to the others already . By his own admission, he's torturing animals, and he's having homicidal thoughts. Not a week passes by without this psycho posting another piece of junk filled with fantasies about killing people. Telling you - an institution for the rest of his life is the most reasonable and humane approach. The alternative is euthanazia.

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2021-10-10 12:14 (ссылка)
If this has been the criterion, all the institutions would be full with anonymous crap from lj.rossia.org. You are all fuckin' crazy in сраная рашка, you know.

Sadkov is a relatively sane person. He has something he wants to do (his software development things). He is susceptible to training, so he can learn to live a decent life once he's allowed into the country. He's getting annoying at times, and nearly every such time he annoys wrong people and gets his ass quite brutally kicked. He should be given a possibility to live a decent life. It will not be easy for him, but he can manage, I'm sure.

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2021-10-11 06:05 (ссылка)
You are not making any sense, buddy. If WHAT would have been a criterion? Yes, it is possible there are other anonymous posters on lj.rossia.org harboring psychopathic if not homicidal thoughts. Yes, some of them also need to be institutionalized. It has nothing to with Sadkov. The only criterion here is his danger to European society, which is quite clear, by the way.

Lock him and lose the fucking key.

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