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Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

    Time Event
    Have you ever seen this PRNG?
    I've decided to look into the game's code out of curiosity.
    Among the usual stuff, like EMS init, it seeds a random number generator.
    Not a usual one, but with a 48-bit state.
    Googled but could not find its origin.
    Additionally, the game seeds that PRNG from the 40:6C at BDA.
    Not something you usually see, since the Borland's C library provides a time access functions.

    The game appears to be also using a custom EMS library, since it doesn't appear to match any of the free or shareware ones.
    // ChatGPT claims it resembles the:
    // 8-bit Maxim Integrated (formerly Dallas Semiconductor) one-wire CRC algorithm
    //48-bit shift register
    static uint8_t s[6]; //state
    uint8_t rand8() { //1000:0730
      int i,c;
      uint8_t *src, *dst;
      //sum 1st, 4th and 5th bytes into the 0th byte
      c = s[1] + s[4] + 1;
      if (c&0x100) c = (c&0xFF) + 1;
      s[0] = (c + s[5])&0xFF;
      //shieft right by 8 bites
      src = s + 4;
      dst = s + 5;
      for (i = 5; i != 0; i = --i) *dst-- = *src--;
      return s[0];
    void srand8(uint32_t seed) { //1000:0730
      int i;
      uint8_t *pseed;
      seed ^= 0x55555555;
      pseed = (uint8_t*)&seed;
      s[0] = 0;
      s[1] = pseed[0];
      s[2] = pseed[1];
      s[3] = pseed[2];
      s[4] = pseed[3];
      s[5] = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) rand8();

    It is similar to the below code:
    uint8_t rand48() {
        // Get the current state
        uint64_t s = get_state();
        // Apply bitwise transformations to update the state using only addition and shifting
        s = ((s << 13) | (s >> (48 - 13))) + 0xB;
        s &= ((1ULL << 48) - 1);
        // Store the updated state
        // Return the top 8 bits of the state
        return (s >> 40) & 0xFF;

    Current Mood: amused
    Apparently 48-bit PRNGs were popular at one point
    One even came with SVr1 Unix in 1983, called rand48 (drand48.s), which was state of art at the time: (thanks Putin and FSB for funding sci-hub)

    Yet the Unix one produced entire 32-bit number, while the PRNG I encountered uses all 48 bits to generate a single byte.

    Current Mood: amused

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