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@ 2013-12-24 04:52:00

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Музыка:Олег Груз – Рыбка

That all they that loue not Tobacco & Boies were fooles.

офигенно кстати, донос Ричарда Бейнза на Кристофера Марло.
Выдающийся был человек. Лучше Шекспира на самом деле, кстати.

That all they that loue not Tobacco & Boies were fooles.

That the first beginning of Religioun was only to keep men
in awe.

That Crist deserved better to Dy then Barrabas and
that the Jewes made a good Choise, though Barrabas
were both a thief and murtherer.

That if there be any god or any good Religion, then it
is in the papistes because the service of god is performed
with more Cerimonies, as Elevation of the mass, organs,
singing men, Shaven Crownes & cetera. That all protestants
are Hypocriticall asses.

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2013-12-25 02:35 (ссылка)
если б я был не ьак пьян, то я бы понял что нибудь
а так, желаю тебе знатно поебстись с юзером коко-как-то-там
и вообще


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