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@ 2020-05-07 01:04:00

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Kstati vot dokazali taki etot vopros s zatyagivaniem poliedrami iz ravnostoronnih treugol'nikov.
Tam poluchaetsya chto lyubuyu lomanuyu mozhno posheveliti i ona staynet zatyagivaemoy.
I chto dlya chetyrehzvennoy lomanoy esli dliny diagonaley algebraicheski nezvisimy,to zatyanut' nel'zya
s giptezoy o lagranzhevosti eto nikak ne protivorechit vprochem


Domes over curves
Alexey Glazyrin, Igor Pak

A closed PL-curve is called integral if it is comprised of unit intervals. Kenyon's problem asks whether for every integral curve γ in R3, there is a dome over γ, i.e. whether γ is a boundary of a polyhedral surface whose faces are equilateral triangles with unit edge lengths. First, we give an algebraic necessary condition when γ is a quadrilateral, thus giving a negative solution to Kenyon's problem in full generality. We then prove that domes exist over a dense set of integral curves. Finally, we give an explicit construction of domes over all regular n-gons.