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Мусора мусорянские [Nov. 29th, 2007|05:51 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:November 29th, 2007 - 11:13 am
воркуют голубки)))
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 01:24 pm
Ага воркуют. Говорят эту фотку показывали по ТВ
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 11:33 am
я видела эту фотку по ТV, и хотела найти)
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 01:30 pm
Поблагодари мою знакомую из Сингапура :)
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 12:34 pm
не так давно нашумела эта фотка
по телику везде...
[User Picture]
Date:November 29th, 2007 - 01:10 pm
Я ТВ не смотрю вообще :)
[User Picture]
Date:November 29th, 2007 - 12:51 pm
Баян :)))
Ну и лишнее подтверждение тому, что менты тоже "люди" и ничто "человеческое" им не чуждо :lol:
Кстати, в одном клипе на песню Мультфильмов ("Мальчик пишет письма мальчику - это нормальная мужская романтика...") тоже вполне удачно обыгрывается подобный сюжет :)
[User Picture]
Date:November 29th, 2007 - 12:57 pm
Тут клип посмотреть можно :)
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 01:20 pm
Думаешь с телефона я смогу его посмотреть?
[User Picture]
Date:November 29th, 2007 - 02:03 pm
Ну прости, друг :)
Но тебе ж не долго осталось, посмотришь еще, какие твои годы! :)))
[User Picture]
Date:November 29th, 2007 - 02:32 pm
You are absolutely right :)
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 01:15 pm
Я не видел
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 01:21 pm
Их нужно пристрелить во время сношения...
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Date:November 29th, 2007 - 02:27 pm
That's good idea!
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Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:09 am


Вчера успешно прошла выставка шаржей талантливого художника Джасура. В баре «СМИ», где всё это проходило, было очень много людей, в том числе и я. Среди выставленных работ был и мой шарж, который можно будет забрать только сегодня. Помимо меня там было много видных людей Узнэта, г-н Скляревский, представители сайта www.krasota.uz, Сурен Сапов и многие другие. Сегодня будет закрытие. У вас есть ещё время на всё посмотреть.

А фотки есть вот по этому адресу:

P/S Теперь вот ищите меня на этих фото
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:09 am

How to play music for the voices in your head

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:09 am


YAAAAAAAY. Tomorrow is Beach Day at school! Y'know what that means?! WE'RE ALL GOING TO THE BEEEEEEEACH. Yep, the entire middle school is taking a day-long trip to the beach. YAYA. Boofuckyes. I'm so HAPPY AND EXCITED AND *Hit over head with Sitar by mother* OWCHEZ. I guess I shouted that aloud. MOMMY IS BEING ABUSIVE DDDD:


._. Mom just read over my shoulder and told me not to get blood on the carpet because we just had it steamed. D: DAMN YOU, WOMAN. WHAT IF I WANT TO DIRTY THE CARPET WITH MY GORE?! D< YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, WALK AWAY SHAKING YOUR HEAD. HO'. AIN'T NO HATIN' IN MAH HOWSE D< *Snapsnap*

Yeah, now it's just the Nutty Bars talking. Mucho sorryness.

Well anywho, I ought to get back to...whatever I was doing before I interrupted myself. Bye, guys.

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:10 am

It's been a while

Wow, it's been forever since I've written in here!!!   

It's been a bad day already.  My Grandfather (Dad's dad) passed away around 3:30 this morning in his sleep.  It was a peaceful one at least, but the past week or so was painful as the doctor's took him off his medications since he was sleeping all of the time and he was almost gone for a while.  He had suffered a stroke a few years ago and it's been hard for him since then.  I'm very sad to see him go, but at least he is not in pain anymore.  

I got the day off from work to spend with the family, although I probably shouldn't have... but I'll soak it up.

Miss you Grandpa, and I will always love you!

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:10 am

Fitch боится ухода Владимира Путина

И прогнозирует дестабилизацию в России

Международное агентство Fitch Ratings опубликовало вчера отчет «Российская Федерация: прогноз на 2007 год — четыре основных фактора». Из него следует, что инвестиционный климат может быть подпорчен политической неопределенностью: предстоящие выборы могут дестабилизировать ситуацию и привести к усилению непредсказуемости в отношении прав собственности. 

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:11 am
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:11 am
Oh man. I love Judy (:
Found another date.
Hopefully dress & shoes comes before Dec.8.
I'm a happy camper & I thank Judy for it.
Chhyeaah boy (:
Blind dates man.
Man, how last minute ferreals.
I love my friends to the max.
We stick together through everything. Mann<3 What a wonderful day (: When Judy's cousin said yes, I wanted to scream.
Aaah (: I love Angela, Lillian,&Judy. I call them the bests. Seriously, most understandable people in the world! <3
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:11 am

Реквием мечте...

может быть я тоже сошла с ума?...
так просто помешаться...
и хочеться просить прошения у всех...
но разве можно столькое простить?
о Господи..
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 08:49 am

Re: Реквием мечте...

Я в ахуе! Зачем так много было писать мне всего?
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:12 am



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Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:12 am


Being in Florida has reminded me of several things. One, I don't live in Kansas anymore. Two, NJ/the East Coast is so differenet than the rest of the country.

Everyone here in Florida is so fucking nice. The woman today at the ticket booth at Universal Studios was the kindest nicest person I have ever met ( + she was black, this has nothing to do with it, but ya know...) Everyone that I've encountered while out and about has been sweet and helpful. I don't know if it's because it's Orlando or something or if it's because they are all fucked up in the head and hopped up on Disney snacks. Either way it's off setting. The people here are like the people in Kansas, which isn't a bad thing, but it's not who I am today.

I don't know if I've completely changed since moving, but I just can't take the niceness. I'm probably the biggest dick head there is around when I go other places outside of the New York City area. Maybe all East Coaster's run into this problem. I don't think we notice it around one another. I think that little things like... moving over that extra 1/2 inch so your filthy breath isn't in my face on the subway... is something that we see as a kinda gesture. Then when someone who is truely kind (and most likely not from the city, or from out of town) does something for us like hold the elevator or tell us our shoes look cute, we give them a gross stare or mumble if speak at all the word "thanks".

I suppose, as of right now, I'm ok with this. I guess thats what you have to do to survive out here and try to make it to the top. If you're not from this area I'm guessing you'll shoot STRAIGHT to the top using these tactics because it will be easy to squash everyone beneathe you with your rude comments and dirty looks. Hey- I'm good at dirty looks.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:32 am

Дадим медведю по лапам!

[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:32 am

hallitus ja karjed sügavikust

Unes ma olin mingisuguses tohutus lossis, mis seisis kaljuäärel. Ma kõõlusin lahtisel kiviaknal ja vaatasin alla sügavikku. Mu selja taga olev tuba oli täiesti tühi, kui välja jätta seinal põlevad tõrvikud ja maas vedelev praht. Reaalis oleksin ma ise ka karjudes seal põrandal, sest ma ei talu kõrgusi. Kui ma sealt välja kõõlusin ja kõrvale vaatasin, siis nägin, et ühest kaugemast valgustatud aknast lennutab keegi tuulelohet välja. See üllatas mind ja ma otsustasin minna asja lähemalt uurima. Otsisin põrandalt endale mingisugust relva kaasa, sest ma teadsin, et lossis on midagi ohtliku, aga ei leidnud peale šokolaadipaberite suurt midagi.

Lossis olid pikad, kitsad, tõrvikutega valgustatud koridorid, mille lõppu ei olnud tavaliselt näha... see oli kuidagi nii, et näha oli ainult natukene sinu ümbrust, edasi paistis ainult pimedus, isegi kui koridor ei olnudki tegelikult enam suurt pikem. Seintel olevad tõrvikud lihtsalt valgustasid niimoodi naljakalt. Kõndisin edasi. Korraga hakkas ühest koridoriotsast mingisugune lärm pihta. Ma ehmatasin ja otsisin kiiruga kohta kuhu end ära peita. Lõpuks õnnestus mul üks metalluks natukene lahti kangutada ja end sealt läbi suruda. Jäin ukse piiluma ja nägin kuidas mingisugused orkilaadsed elajad vedasid enda järel karjuvat räbalates meest. Hirm oli ja mõtlesin, et vist siiski ei tasu mööda koridore ringi käia vaid kuhugi ruumi pidama jääda, lootuses, et keegi mind sealt ei leia.

Kui ma ümber keerasin, siis irvitas üks samasugune ork mulle otsa ning püüdis mind siis kinni krabada. Mul õnnestus ta eest minema lipsata. Tormasin kiiresti ühe seinas oleva augu poole ja suutsin sealt end läbi pigistada. Sattusin kuhugi pesuköögi laadsesse ruumi, kus konna nägudega naised suurtes padades linu keetsid. Osad olid püttadesse roninud ja tallasid seelikuid üleval hoides linade otsas. Nende silmamunad olid valged ja suud totakalt ammuli nagu neil ei oleks mõistust. Mind nad tähele ei pannud igal juhul.

Ma otsustasin, et mu teksad tõmbavad antud olukorras liiga palju tähelepanu, nii et ma otsisin suurest pesuhunnikust endale välja mingisuguse nunnarüü. Tumedam peaaegu maani seelik, pikkade varrukatega pluus ning nahast vest seal peal. Pähe panin midagi tanulaadset. Järgmisel hetkel tormasid kolm orki ruumi sisse ja vedasid mu minema, röökides, et halastajaõe koht ei ole köögis. Mind tassiti kuhugi suurde ruumi, kus mööda põrandat vedelesid mädanevad vanainimesed. Mulle visati kätte kalts, kauss veega ning tohutu rasvapütt ning kästi esivanemate jalad puhtaks pesta. Valikut mul ei olnud, nii et ma ronisin ühe ägiseva vanainimese juurest teise juurde ja pesin nende mädanevaid ja haavandeid täis jalgu. Ühe naise jalad olid nii mädanenud, et liha nende peal muutus lihtsalt pudruks ja vajus mööda põrandat laiali, kui ma teda puudutasin. Ruumis oli veel teisi naisi, kes sama asjaga tegelesid. Hommikul selle peale mõeldes hakkas paha.

Vahepeal astus ruumi ülevaataja ning kõndis saabaste kõlksudes surijate vahel ringi. Ma ei julgenud üles vaadata, sest kartsin, et too saab aru, et ma olen vale inimene. Nokkisin ühe mehe jalgadest vaklu välja, sõrmed sügaval ta mädapaise sees, ja püüdsin end märkamatuks teha. Ülevaataja jäi ikkagi mingil põhjusel minu ees seisma ning rebis mu siis kättpidi jalule ja lohistas enda järel uksest välja. Kui ma üles julgesin viimaks vaadata, siis selgus, et tegemist polnudki orkiga vaid mehega, kes nägi kahtlaselt Yoko moodi välja. Ütleme siis, et tegemist oli Yokoga. Ta lohistas mind mööda koridore enda järel, ise vihaselt mu peale karjudes, et mis kurat mul arus oli ja et ma olen räpane ja tal on vastik mind puudutada.

Lõpuks jõudsime kuhugi maaaluse järve äärde ning ta kamandas, et ma riided seljast ära võtaksin ja end puhtaks peseksin. See on nii naljakas, et kui ma tavaliselt unenäos tean, kes ma ise olen ja kes teised kõik on, siis nüüd ma justkui seda ei teadnud. Ma keeldusin, öeldes, et see järv hirmutab mind. Asi lõppes sellega, et ta kiskus mul vägisi riided seljast ja lükkas mu järve. Ma kukkusin sinna veekasvude vahele ja need mässisid mulle end kohe kõvasti ümber, nii et ma ei saanud enam tagasi veepinnale. Yoko
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:33 am

Am bored and avoiding work so...


"Snappy the Lobster"
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:34 am


Sooo... Several of the females, for whatever reason, don't like me and don't want me in clan. I quite honeslty don't care. There's a waiting list anyway. Really the only reason I want to play is so I can chat with the people I miss. So when it comes down to it, I don't care if I get into clan or not, I just want to stay on vent and hang out with them. Hell, if I don't make it into that, I'll probably just stay clanless. I can't really see joining anything that doesn't have the people I've been with from the start... It's kind of weird. But then again, if they're the only reason I'm coming back in the first place, it does make a lot of sense.
Slann talked to me for a bit and said that what was said on the boards was inappropriate. Jimmy said that he was sick of it and sent out emails telling people to shut the hell up. I don't even know him, I don't think. I find it all pretty funny. And I think, back in the day I would've been hurt by this, now I'm an attention whore who is amused that they're taking the time to write so much about me. lol. I can't help it. When you don't care, it makes things so much funnier. And you know, if they didn't care, things would be more fun for them.
Slann also said that I should probably chat with some of the new people and get to know them. But after getting blasted on the boards for not saying hello to someone when she came in the channel (EVEN THOUGH I DID SAY GOODNIGHT!), it makes me really wonder if that's how everyone is going to be. Also, if my reputation precedes me, nothing I do may really help me get to know the new people well.
I'm not making excuses, but honestly, I don't want to jump into a different vent channel when there are people that I know don't like me. Because that's just going to piss them off and make them throw a hissy fit. I'm here to have fun, and I don't want to ruin what ever shred of fun remains for them in the game. So, I'm kind of stuck. I want to do what Slann suggested, really I do. But at the same time, I don't want to hop into a channel with three girls that don't like me and pretend there's no elephant in the room. Although, I'm pretty sure that if I went down there they'd leave the channel which would be okay I guess. I dunno. I'm not sure what to do. I can't change their opinions but humm... I dunno. I guess I'll give it a try tonight when Harry, Ulti, Zyk, and LS are on. I'll rally the troops and beg them to hop down with me. rofl.

I noticed something. Depending on who says certain things, the same words just have a whole different meaning. For example, when Harry calls me "baby" it makes my skin crawl- not because I don't like Harry, I love the kid to death- but because Duke called me that all the time. Whenever Harry says it, to me it's the same way Duke did, and I truly hate it. However, last night Pat called me baby and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. lol. And when Chris calls me baby, I don't mind it at all either- except when he over uses it and I want to scream. Haha. But that's beside the point.
It's just weird. Same thing from different people, and the way it's received varies with each one. Hopefully, having said that maybe now it won't be the same and I won't cringe whenever he calls me that. /cross fingers

I've been having a lot of fun running around with Harry and Kraker. Kraker has ALWAYS been sooooo laid back, it's great. I just want to enjoy playing again. And I think I'm going to treat it more like college. I'm going to hang out with whomever I want, when I want. If I don't like a situation, then I'm going to leave. I'm not going to get completely stressed out over a game ever again. It's just such a waste of time.

Speaking of not getting stressed. I talked to TheMayers last night. Now, to me, I always thought that he was like Sorrus and somebody else- who ONLY partied with their small group and didn't really talk to anyone else. Who knows, maybe that was the case back then, but it's not now. He was nice to me anyhow. I also thought he'd have the complete superiority thing going on like Sorrus and he didn't. He sounded pretty normal. lol. Nice guy, I'd say.
Aaaaand I also
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:35 am

«В лето 7090... изыдоша коркодили лютии зверии из реки и п

Легенда о том, как в реке Великой жили крокодилы:

[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:35 am
 lol, there was a local news ad about a cover story on memory lapses or short term memory. It's so funny, when i go to this one building on campus. It has multiple entrances/exits. Whenever, i come into the building thru a different entrance, I can't find my class at all :D So i have to find where i usually enter, and find my classroom from that direction. Haha, I feel like such a moron ><
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:36 am
Любовь у меня, аднака...