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Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich [Mar. 3rd, 2024|08:42 pm]
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Date:March 4th, 2024 - 09:19 am
The phrase "The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion" is often attributed to Ron Hubbard. And you, bro, would you like to create your own religion or a whole pseudo-scientific field of scientific activity (hello, string theory!) to parasitize on the true-russians???

And the next question: don't you think, bro, that all the troubles of true-russians and the fact that charlatans of all stripes and creators of their own religions have flourished on their land is because they have forgotten the following important words of Arkady Gaidar:
"What is happiness - everyone understood it differently. But all together people knew and understood that one should live honestly, work hard and love and protect this huge happy land, which is called the Soviet country".
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Date:March 4th, 2024 - 04:47 pm
Сreating me own releigion and following the steps of fabuluos God Kuza was my dream from the start.

I'm not sure about Arkady Gaidar, you can replacr " happy land, which is called the Soviet country" by any fetish, and get yet another sect. The troubles come from the fact because there is a minority of people which abuse the rules and exploit the "good folk".
Date:March 4th, 2024 - 04:51 pm
год Кузя. разбитие голубой чашки резонирует с притчами о дзен монахах, которые прозрели, когда разбили чайник