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Прощание с двойственностью [Mar. 28th, 2024|01:18 am]
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Date:April 1st, 2024 - 08:50 am
Yes, they were connected by the metaphysics of protest and rejection by the bourgeois personality. For Djemal, the area of protest was religion and its revolutionary meaning, for Arkady, heroism and danger in the name of creating a new society.
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Date:April 1st, 2024 - 05:14 pm
I think all such protest should lead to some radical anti-capitalist or anti-goverment action. If it all ends in wearing special religious clothes or common religious observance, it does not impress me.
Date:April 1st, 2024 - 06:33 pm
Well, the same Jemal saw islam as a revolutionary force: the ban on moneylending, djamaats (communities of believers) as a opposition to a repressive society, the presence of a large number of passionaries. The communist idea has now degenerated into ugly zyuganoids, who betrayed the ideals of Arkady Gaidar, and Dugin's traditionalism risks becoming a bloody kitschy phantasmagoria in Sorokin-like style.
As for active actions, what 'bout the houthis sinking ships?
[User Picture]
Date:April 1st, 2024 - 06:42 pm
houthis are not radical enough also to sink russian and chinese ships.

Both nations are ruthless capitalists.
Date:April 1st, 2024 - 06:49 pm
surely an entire 2d political compass nomenclature is terribly outdated piece of garbage?
one must think in non-Euclidean terms in order to break through conventional political polarities and dichotomies!