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Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich [Apr. 6th, 2024|02:43 pm]
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Date:April 7th, 2024 - 03:09 pm
The haven's garden is the Garden Of Delights or just GOD.

I got the vision that it functions as an alien plant lifeform that fosters humans and then feeds on their energy.

The true goal may be fighting the garden in order to achieve the true freedom.
Date:April 7th, 2024 - 04:42 pm
Did you get this conception of GOD from Burroughs? RAW offers a different story, one of Hassan-i-Sabbah, who was drugging his subordinates with hashish and introducing them to the actual of "Garden of Delights", which was a mixture of one's ideal picture of heavenly heaven with virgins offered at hand and a theme park with an unlimited cotton candy dispenser. Once the effect of a drug ceased he was convincing his followers that this is what they will get after death, so essentially all the GOD talk is just the matter of hoax-artistry and exploitation of desires, nothing metaphysical, a very Nietzschean mundane, cynical way of looking at it. However, I guess it's better than having a bloody alien plant lifefrom fostering you to use as a battery later.
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Date:April 7th, 2024 - 04:50 pm
Yes, this idea of GOD is from Burroughs' "Soft Machine". But it is not a plant but a space station there. And this space station jams any attempts of earthlings to communicate with alien races, while being swindled by a gang of aliens who owns GOD. So, good aliens atack it in a Star Wars like scene.