Трудовая этика альбигойцев |
[May. 3rd, 2024|10:02 pm] |
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Yeah. There're many ideas of the roots of capitalism It seems to me more interesting such an idea of french philosopher Georges Bataille. He thought that prehistoric tribes in the past broke the sacred ban of accumulation of ‘damned part’, ‘le part maudite’, that should be destoyed in orgystic rites. When archaic people began to accumulate over-storages for life capitalism had started... So the roots in archaic times i think In addition to it we can view at revolutions as a reborn of collective unconsionsenseness ("flashback from archaism"), when ‘damned part’ destroyed in the funny orgy of revolution fire (fire is also important attribute of many archaic rites and symbolises thr destuction of unneedfulness). So we can see in revolutionary leaders thr priests of potlatch burning heaviness of material world for better connection with the world of ghosts...
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | May 4th, 2024 - 08:06 am |
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нет, это не "капитализм", а просто классовое общество так появилось.
And this too. Notwithstanding, when 'damned part' is miserable it's not an issue for warnings. But when it is more bigger and bigger than apears ‘priests of damned part’. They use surplases (that should be given to another men as a gift or as sacrificed to totem ghost-keepers, e.g.) to maximise it so they give much power. They can hire for a job other people build bigger houses, have many wives. What is it if not a bigining of capitalism? And moreover: people (and there soul brothers -- modern capitalist) that ever have destoyed ‘gift economy’, did a metaphysical sin: they've accumulated "damned surplases" that weren't prescescribed for people, by this broke a premordial harmony. So modern capitalist have a dark metaphisical image...
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | May 4th, 2024 - 10:30 am |
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Yes, this is interesting.
But in catholic countries it was castumary to donate larege amounts of money to the church. And there was a "rich church", but not much capital to invest. But in protestant lands there was a "humble church", so the capitalism became possible. Even though in both systems rich traders and land owners and such existed.
As I remember the protestants were like wahabis today: purists (supporters of clean christianity), opponets of an idea to worship martyrs, icons and so on. In addition they were anti-clergy (e.g. wahabis have a claim to suffis that they -- suffis -- have an institution of holy sheikhs, and that's not a clean islamic way). The reasons -- i think -- should be seeking in philosophical tendencies at that time: nominalism, utilitarism and masonic ideas... The achievment of protestantism, as it seemed to me, is that it borned a philosophical and religious discussion. So in the protestant areas was some free-thinking; free-thinking borned nominalism and utilitarism (especially in anglo-sphere), nominalism and utilitarism give a base for capitalist view at the world -- it is so if we ignore metaphysical base (there roots go to very archaic times). | |