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Алхимия: огрызки [May. 5th, 2024|08:44 am]
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Date:May 6th, 2024 - 03:02 pm
There was your comment 'bout it...
Where 'quest for salvation' not for masses (where i mentioned Lars von Trier, if im not mistaken )
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Date:May 6th, 2024 - 04:05 pm
Yes I remember discussing von Trier with, but I can't fully recover the context and my argument.

Maybe I meant that salvation is hard and most people can't achive it.

But, on the other hand IMHO salvation is not just happiness.
Date:May 6th, 2024 - 04:27 pm
#IMHO salvation is not just happiness

Then what is it?

It's normal in our world to be a bit of misanthropic, i think (on an indidual level). And separate from other people by any means.
The problem is the misanthropists in the head of states with specific occult ideology.
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Date:May 7th, 2024 - 10:13 am
For example in Budhism salvation is Nirvana.

At I can't realy expect everyone achiving Nirvana in their lifetime.

And so, I don't think this is a realistic goal.

But I don's sea any problems with providing people with reasonably happy life.

But this happy life will still include some sickness, old age and eventually death.