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Теорема о сопряженных воспоминаниях [Jun. 4th, 2024|08:10 pm]
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Date:June 5th, 2024 - 03:47 pm
I heard about it. By rumors, the Lenin's body was needed for future.
When science will be at high level and armed with future super-technologies then the party will be able to make Il'ich alive.
Now probably there're technologies for indefenite life prolongation, but as for resurection... Sooner no than yes.
Of cause we can go another way, a way of cloning as in the movie the boys from brazil. But it's a wrong way. Il'ich lives in his books as Arkady Gaydar does. I think such people would be unpleasent by this experiments.
Date:June 5th, 2024 - 05:03 pm
К слову, вы большой любитель Гайдара, смотрели свежую российскую экранизацию про Чука и Гека? Или обзор бедкомедина