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Теорема о сопряженных воспоминаниях [Jun. 4th, 2024|08:10 pm]
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Date:June 6th, 2024 - 05:43 pm
W-e-e-ell!!! it's very counterversial...
Jemal for example saw Geunon as a diversent inside the islamic discours.
That is, he saw islam as a sword stabbed in the body of traditional world. Tradition according to Jemal is a way of dissolution in leviathan (that is, in repressive society ruled by Iblis (devil in islam)). So such people like guenon, dugin, mircha eliade want to re-establish new pagan imperialism. Maybe it'll be cyber-neofeudalism plus to it rise-up of occultism for masses and for elites -- new spirituality. It's very difficult questions so i cant say more concretely by that way...