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Мое погоняло "Берроуз" [Sep. 25th, 2024|10:31 pm]
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Date:September 25th, 2024 - 10:49 pm
I had just been thinking that I have awful post nut clarity when I Jack off but almost never when I'm with someone.
I had a horrible hookup about a month ago but we still layed together in bed after and just chilled. What happened to you is fucked up.
Date:September 25th, 2024 - 11:14 pm
Why was it horrible? Story time?
Date:September 25th, 2024 - 11:16 pm
Hmm. Well he showed up with a can of end dust to huff. Should have called it then. Was going to eat his ass but didn't pass the sniff test, even after a shower it wasn't quite right, my body overrode my stupid head and I couldn't stay hard.
I feel I have finally told the internet too much about myselt.
Date:September 25th, 2024 - 11:18 pm
I assume the first thing is about some drugs? Yeah, that doesn't sound like a good date. But that you cuddled after is still nice. It is always good to make the best of an encounter.