six_fold's Friends
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Below are 25 friends' journal entries, after skipping by the 25 most recent ones.

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    Thursday, March 21st, 2024
    The terms neoconservative and paleoconservative were coined following the outbreak of the Vietnam War and a divide in American conservatism between the interventionists and the isolationists. Those in favor of the Vietnam War then became known as the neoconservatives (interventionists), as they marked a decisive split from the nationalist-isolationism that the traditionalist conservatives (isolationists) had subscribed to up until this point.
    Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
    Настоящий Джеймс Бонд и его правнучатая племянница
    During the Boer War, Danie Theron used the alias of Captain James Bond. This is probably where Ian Fleming, the writer of the British spy series got the idea.
    His great-great-niece, Charlize Theron, is an Academy Award-winning actress.
    Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
    Слово Магида
    A photograph emerged of a University of Cape Town student who wore a shirt that read "Kill All Whites" in a residence dining hall during early 2016. The university later identified the wearer as Slovo Magida and reported the matter to SAPS and HRC. During a parliamentary debate on racism, Pieter Mulder of the FF+ read out the contents of the shirt, to which some MPs shouted "Yes! Yes!". As of 2018, no further action against Magida has been taken.
    Маги́д (или магги́д; буквально «рассказывающий» от ивр. מַגִּיד‎; мн. ч. маггидим) — еврейский религиозный проповедник, иначе называемый также «даршан» (דרשן); начиная с XVI века, стал встречаться термин и «Магид Мешарим» (сокращ. מ״מ). Звание маггида присваивалось преимущественно странствующим проповедникам, хотя его носили также постоянные проповедники общины, часто соединявшие эту функцию с саном раввина.
    Monday, March 18th, 2024
    The apartheid bureaucracy devised complex (and often arbitrary) criteria at the time that the Population Registration Act was implemented to determine who was Coloured. Minor officials would administer tests to determine if someone should be categorised either Coloured or White, or if another person should be categorised either Coloured or Black. The tests included the pencil test, in which a pencil was shoved into the subjects' curly hair and the subjects made to shake their head. If the pencil stuck they were deemed to be Black; if dislodged they were pronounced Coloured. Other tests involved examining the shapes of jaw lines and buttocks and pinching people to see what language they would say "Ouch" in. As a result of these tests, different members of the same family found themselves in different race groups. Further tests determined membership of the various sub-racial groups of the Coloureds.
    Sunday, March 17th, 2024
    Хороший ученик, но плохой товарищ

    С рождения свободно говорил на пяти языках, в том числе на двух мертвых
    Saturday, March 16th, 2024
    Натура ль дура дух ли молодец
    И процедура когда первая в другого
    И vice versa переходит наконец
    При помощи иль так сказать под сенью слова
    Зовется диалектикой но мы
    Закон сухой упрямо отрицая
    Все ж благодати днесь привержены
    Вторгается натура молодецки в наши сны
    И дух дурацки смыслами жонглируя играет
    Наша Сара суицидка и поклонница Амина
    Kyolaba met Idi Amin when she was a 19-year-old go-go dancer in the so-called Revolutionary Suicide Girls Mechanised Regiment Band of the Uganda Army. That led to her nickname, "Suicide Sarah". The couple married in Kampala in 1975 in a ceremony where Yasser Arafat was the best man. The wedding banquet was reported to have cost the equivalent of £2 million. Kyolaba was said to have been Amin's "favourite" wife.
    Friday, March 15th, 2024
    Youchtchenko -- oui!
    Зазначимо, що, за даними ЗМІ, до 2022 року в Іноземному легіоні було приблизно 750 українців (при загальній чисельності з'єднання в 9000 осіб), причому багато хто ніс службу саме в 2-му парашутно-десантному, де частка вихідців із країн колишнього СРСР сягала 70%. Чинний командир легіону — бригадний генерал Кирило Ющенко. Незважаючи на те, що в його офіційній біографії не вказано місце народження, думаю, все зрозуміло й так.
    General Youchtchenko returned to the Foreign Legion in 2023, to become its new commander-in-chief.
    Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
    Необитаема земля обетованная
    Цветами виселиц где радуга цветет
    Обеда время как беда моя незванная
    Как Иордан во мне медлительно течет

    Народа два для трех держав великих
    Природы две закон и благодать
    И не постичь умом как ангельские лики
    Исход подобный будут принимать

    Итог в который можно только верить
    Подобный игу скорби ханаанской
    И муж блажен лишь тот что днесь намерен
    От подведения итога воздержаться

    Двоится троица а двоица троится
    В очах моих всевидящих ойой
    После обеда мало ль что приснится
    Победа воздаяние покой
    Трехглавый змей двуглавая жар-пицца
    Иль львиных пчелок беспилотный рой
    Tuesday, March 12th, 2024
    Сам Г. Иванов сперва хвалил нового самобытного поэта, потом называл его говном
    Поэт на каменной перине как самобытное говно
    Возничий мертв а воз и ныне все там же ибо суждено
    Возможно было так от века на смех блядям на страх богам
    Самостоянье человека а воз говна и ныне там
    Tuesday, February 20th, 2024

    Жаль, что у Чехии нет выхода к морю. Сторожевой корабль "Франц Кафка" быбыл бы забылыблым ыблом лыбыбко

    Current Music: The Cardigans
    Monday, February 12th, 2024
    Чебурашка сиречь нечто среднее между чебуреком и херув(им)ом-керуб(им)ом*
    Шестикрылый чебурек
    Волшебник в голубом херувиме
    *) ср фр анекдот про голодающую семью за столом:
    - Ангел пролетел!..
    - Убьём и съедим его!
    Sunday, February 11th, 2024
    Проклятый царь сухой и злой Итаки
    Внезапно подумалось, что джойсов Одиссей-еврей Лео Блум это уж не Вечный ли Жид7 то есть Джойс видел (ли) хитроумного царя Итаки аналогом Агасфера7
    Вспоминается в пандан фигура Одиссея у Адорно

    Current Music: The Cranberries
    Friday, February 2nd, 2024
    Обыден здравый ум но царствен идиот
    И Гамлетом не стать коль яйца не разбиты
    У принца в Эльсиноре и корыто
    Гнилой державы сей ко дну идет
    Wednesday, January 31st, 2024
    Stålnacke became known during the Congo Crisis for his gallant conduct in action on 14 September 1961. In connection with repelling a Gendarmerie armoured car attack on the refugee camp, and their nearby depot, two of his comrades were shocked and Stålnacke advanced by himself against an enemy firing position, armed with a Carl Gustav recoilless rifle. He took out an enemy armoured car and a number of enemies before his jaw was shot to pieces. His chin hung down to his chest and he was suffocating. With his fingers he cleared the throat from bone fragments and pulled the tongue up, thereby able to breath again. During the retreat, and with whistling bullets around him, Stålnacke kept his chin up with one hand and held the recoilless rifle with the other and managed with hand gestures and kicks get his two badly shocked comrades with him from the battlefield. Because of fighting around the Italian Red Cross hospital in the centre of Élisabethville, the ambulance could not drive all the way to it. The last hundred meters Stålnacke and his comrades had to run to the hospital under the protection of the house walls.
    The Italian chief medical director Giuseppe Cipolat who initiated the treatment of Stålnacke in Élisabethville, said to colonel Jonas Wærn: "I served as a field medic in World War II, including the desert battles of Tobruk, and have taken care of wounded soldiers from many countries but I have never met a soldier who showed such courage and willpower as Torsten Stålnacke did." Stålnacke was awarded the Vasa Medal on 10 May 1962 for gallantry.
    Tuesday, December 26th, 2023
    Oscar in Wonderland
    In Dresden at the Semperoper, she performed the title role in Salome for the first time. Her interpretation of Salome caused a sensation.
    For many years a picture of her performance was thought to show the play's author, Oscar Wilde in women's drag. The picture was even reproduced in Richard Ellmann's biography of Wilde. In 1994 Wilde scholar Merlin Holland noted that the picture in fact showed Guszalewicz. This correction undermined readings of Wilde as a cross-dresser.[
    Sunday, December 24th, 2023

    Для памятника была придумана уничижительная аббревиатура МОЧА (Монумент на Окупационната Червена Армия). "Моча" в болгарском языке означает то же самое, что и в русском.
    Saturday, December 23rd, 2023
    Юстас - Алексу

    The March 7, 2017 cover featured a human observer resembling Vladimir Putin and the usual lepidopteran subject of observation with a Trump–based head to highlight the New Cold War. The work by artist Barry Blitt is titled "Eustace Vladimirovich Tilley".
    Friday, December 22nd, 2023
    Венок советов
    Thursday, December 21st, 2023
    From the river to the sea Austro-Hungary'll be free

    Ещё и в помещении философского факультета лол
    Der hereroische Bebel
    Bebel is also famed for his outrage at the news of German mistreatment of indigenous people in German South-West Africa, the Herero nation in particular. In 1904 following a violent uprising by the Herero people against German officials, soldiers, and settlers, Imperial German Army General Lothar von Trotha launched the Herero and Namaqua Genocide to crush the revolt by waging a "war of extermination" against the Herero. In response, Bebel and the German Social Democratic Party became the only party in the Reichstag to oppose increased colonial expenditures, and in a speech in March 1904 Bebel classified the policy in German South-West Africa as "not only barbaric, but bestial". This caused some sections of the contemporary German press to scathingly classify Bebel as "Der hereroische Bebel" (Bebel the Hereroic")

    Current Mood: Герероям слава
    Встретишь будду -- убей, как собаку
    Общность природы собаки и будды на деле аргументируется просто: ни собака, ни будда не обладают и не могут обладать самосознанием как производным от желания (по Гегелю), следовательно, будет вполне корректным утверждение, что собака обладает природой будды -- и наоборот, что будда обладает природой собаки
    Свято наближається
    Sunday, December 17th, 2023

    Примирение орла с Прометеем7 или просто птичка временно сыта
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