steinkrauz - lytdybr

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April 23rd, 2014

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01:52 pm - lytdybr

(41 comments | Leave a comment)


[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 03:36 pm

Re: кстати,

кого не поняла ? я тебя не понял :)
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 03:37 pm

Re: кстати,


я смотрела в центре приложений как-то и добавила его, но чет как-то ну совсем неудобно
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 03:39 pm

Re: кстати,

ну да, он же текстовый.
хотя вроде бы можно смотреть картинки в нем, но я пока не знаю, как
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 04:30 pm

Re: кстати,

MIME types may be assigned to external viewers using the VIEWER definition.

NOTE: if you do not define a viewer to a new MIME type that you assigned above then it will be saved to disk by default. It is normally preferable to define new viewers in MAILCAP files (see below) instead of here: Definitions here are overridden by those in MAILCAP files and even by some built-in defaults in src/HTInit.c.

The VIEWER definition takes the form of: VIEWER::[:] where -mime type is the MIME content type of the file -viewer command is a system command that can be used to display the file where %s is replaced within the command with the physical filename (e.g., "ghostview %s" becomes "ghostview /tmp/temppsfile") -environment is optional. The only valid keywords are currently XWINDOWS and NON_XWINDOWS. If the XWINDOWS environment is specified then the viewer will only be defined when the user has the environment variable DISPLAY (DECW$DISPLAY on VMS) defined. If the NON_XWINDOWS environment is specified the specified viewer will only be defined when the user DOES NOT have the environment variable DISPLAY defined. examples: VIEWER:image/gif:xli %s:XWINDOWS VIEWER:image/gif:ascii-view %s:NON_XWINDOWS VIEWER:application/start-elm:elm

You must put the whole definition on one line.

If you must use a colon in the viewer command, precede it with a backslash!

The MIME_type:viewer:XWINDOWS definitions listed here in the lynx.cfg file are among those established via src/HTInit.c. For the image types, HTInit.c uses the XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND definition in userdefs.h or above (open is used for NeXT). You can change any of these defaults via the global or personal mailcap files. Assignments made here will be overridden by entries in those files.


VIEWER:application/postscript:ghostview %s&:XWINDOWS

VIEWER:image/gif:xli %s&:XWINDOWS

VIEWER:image/x-xbm:xli %s&:XWINDOWS

VIEWER:image/png:xli %s&:XWINDOWS

VIEWER:image/tiff:xli %s&:XWINDOWS

VIEWER:image/jpeg:xli %s&:XWINDOWS

VIEWER:video/mpeg:mpeg_play %s &:XWINDOWS
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 04:38 pm

Re: кстати,

ага, спсб
правда, плоть так, видимо, не посмотришь
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 03:40 pm

Re: кстати,

кстати, чей-то любимый дилдо тоже не поддерживает js
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 03:50 pm

Re: кстати,

я его еще не ставила))
вообще хочу кусок мидори удалить
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 03:40 pm

Re: кстати,

js - это javascript
[User Picture]
Date:April 23rd, 2014 - 03:50 pm

Re: кстати,

а это я знаю)) кстати)

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