А я брахаць ня ўмею, дык і завыў - February 11th, 2009

February 11th, 2009

February 11th, 2009
10:23 am
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задушэўныя фоткі з рэпэтыцыяў
Гы, а гарвардчане выклалі задушэўныя фоткі з рэпэтыцыяў да былое імпрэзы:
раз і два

Current Music: Kruzenshtern & Parohod
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11:17 am
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Новы інтарэс / Add to interests
"кошовий кшатрій"

Current Music: Utter Bastard - Split With Cause For Effect

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05:44 pm
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On Proposition 8
To my liberal friends who are trying to collect signatures to invalidate Proposition 8

1) I believe in self-government; if 50%+1 in California want to be restrictive religious freaks, I should not have the right to stop them (other than moving to California and voting against them).

2) If gay marriage is illegal in California and legal in Massachusetts, that may mean more tourism and immigration to Massachusetts. We need tourist's dollars and we need working hands (we have a climatic disadvantage when it comes to comparing to California). So the worse things are in California, the better they are in Massachusetts by comparison.

3) On the more philosophical side of the argument, government shouldn't be in the business of regulating marriage to begin with (and no, I don't believe in the "marriage is a basic right" theory). How and whom people marry should be decided only by them and their religion (and you do know there's only one true religion - Pastafarianism, right? if not, check the link in my signature). So while explicitly allowing gay marriage a la Massachusetts is better than explicitly disallowing it a la California (and lots of redneck states which no one cares about and no one tries to collect signatures against), it's still worse than not dealing with marriage on the government level at all.

May you be forever touched by His Noodly Appendage... ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster )


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