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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2009-04-24 10:41:00

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Тэхналёгія робіць цуды / Technology makes wonders
Мелкасофт зрабіў праграмульку Каваль Песень - маўляў, ты сабе пой у мікрафон, а акампанэмент табе кампутар падбярэ. Народ прасёк фішку, й нарадзіў цэльны новы жанр - карміць праграмульку вакалам з вядомых песьняў і глядзець, што атрымаецца. Часам бывае файна.

Microsoft has a program called Songsmith - you just sing into the microphone, and the computer will figure out the instruments for ya. And Songsmith begat a whole new genre of feeding it the vocal track of known songs and seeing what comes out. Sometimes the results are wonderful.

Queen - We Will Rock You salsa style!
Eagles - Hotel California everybody dance now!
Police - Roxanne now with congas!
Motorhead - The Ace of Spades - who knew Lemmy really wrote an emotional AOR ballad?
Radiohead - Creep - so bad it's actually good.
Billy Idol - White Wedding in a baaad redneck country style! (endorsed by Linus Torvalds)

За наводку дзякуй / Thanks to [info]princeofspace

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2009-04-24 20:02 (ссылка)
