Wed, Oct. 7th, 2009, 03:41 am
Кодекс книг, запрещённых членам Опус Деи

1. Books that can be read by all, even children; for example, Heidi, Marco, some stories of the Grimm Brothers, and all books written by members of Opus Dei.

2. Reading generally recommended, although it may require a little formation. In the libraries of the centers, the public, numeraries and associate members have access to books with the 1 and 2 ratings.

3. Books that can be read by those who have formation. The books may have inconvenient scenes or commentaries. Permission is needed by their spiritual director.

4. Books that can be read by those who have formation and have a necessity to read them. Permission is needed by their spiritual director.

5. Books that are not possible to be read, except with special permission from the advisory (in New York).

Книги, которые не возможно для чтения, за исключением специального разрешения со стороны advisory (в Нью-Йорке)

Examples of authors who have some books with a "5" rating are: W.S. Burroughs, John Cornwall, Marguerite Duras, William Faulkner, Nadine Gordimer, Eugene Kennedy, Jack Kerouac, Stephen King, Barbara Kingsolver, Doris Lessing, John O'Hara, A.J. Quinnell, Ayn Rand, Salman Rushdie and Kenneth Woodward.

6. Prohibited reading. In order to read them permission is needed by the Prelate of Opus Dei (in Rome).

Запрещенные для чтения. Для того, чтобы читать их, разрешение необходимо от прелата Opus Dei (в Риме).

There are 6,892 books with the highest rating of "6." Examples of authors who have some books with a "6" rating are: Woody Allen, Isabel Allende, Karen Armstrong, Margaret Atwood, Judy Blume, Roberto Bolano, Joseph Campbell, Gustav Flaubert, Allen Ginsberg, Mary Gordon, Gunter Grass, Andrew Greeley, Herman Hesse, Adolph Hitler, John Irving, James Joyce, Carl Jung, Eugene Kennedy, Jack Kerouac, Stephen King, Milan Kundera, Hans Kung, Harold Kushner, Henri Lefebvre, Doris Lessing, Sinclair Lewis, Richard P. MacBrien, Mary MacCarthy, Malinowski (?-tapirr), Karl Marx, Somerset Maugham, Toni Morrison, Alice Munroe, Vladimir Nabokov, V.S. Naipaul, Pablo Neruda, Nietzcshe, Octavio Paz, Harold Pinter, Marcel Proust, Philip Roth, Bertrand Russell, John Updike, Gore Vidal, Voltaire, Alice Walker, Gary Wills and Tennessee Williams.

Я в отпаде от этих списочков.

Вот вам один из запрещённых (если вы, конечно, не состоите в Octopus Dei):

Wed, Oct. 7th, 2009, 04:06 am

I grew up in a family where we were encouraged to read everything, but also taught to be discerning and to think about what we read.
I find the idea of anyone restricting what people can or should read very worrying.

Я рос в семье, где мы были поощрены прочитать все, но также и преподававший быть проницательными и думать о том, что мы читаем.
Я нахожу идею любого ограничением, какие люди могут или должны читать очень беспокойный.

Wed, Oct. 7th, 2009, 04:10 am

Yes, I agree.

Thank you!